“Take your tits out,” he said.

She whimpered, but complied with hisdemands. She eased the straps of her dress down, and the dresswasn’t designed to wear abra. He stared at the full, ripe peaks.

Running his hands from her hips uptobeneath her tits, heheld them up as if they were ripe peaches, and he just couldn’tresist a taste of them. Licking at them, he took one nipple intohis mouth, and then a second. He sucked hard, nibbling at the tips,and then flicking each one in turn. His name spilled from Harlow’slips as he bit down, sucking one of her nipples. Her pussytightened around him, and he growled. Sliding his hands back downto her hips, he rocked her up and down his length, making her takemore of him.

It was her birthday and he didn’t want totake all the pleasure withoutgiving her some first. He slid his hand between them,finding her clit, and she moaned his name. Grinding down onto hislength, she was already so close to the edge, and he knew it wasn’tgoing to take too much more to send her over.

She looked so sexy, so stunning, and she made his ballsache. All he wanted to do was spunk inside her, over and overagain.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come all over mycock.”

“Please,” she said.

“I’ve got you, Harlow. Come for me.”

And she did, crying out hisname. She looked so sexyand so lost in her orgasm.

Feeling her tight heat surroundhim, Hunter justcouldn’t hold back, and he pulled her down onto his length andspilled every droplet of cum inside her.

She felt so good and he wrapped his armsaround her, not wanting to let her go, but knowingtheir time would come toan end soon.

Hehad no choice, otherwise, they were both going to end upfucked.


SeveralWeeks Later

Harlow hummed to herself as she made herway to Hunter’s house, using her brand-new car.

Her big brother had really outdone himselfthis time on the gift front. She still had to make sure she hadenough money to pay for a full tank of gas, but she wasn’t tooworried. Some of the money she had overspent on rent had beenreturned to her.

She had yet to see her landlord, butregardless, the money had appeared and for that she was grateful.She’d been able to contactthe water, electricity, and gas companies. She now hadwater and heat, which was a must.

Rather than use Hunter’s shower and bath,and even the clubhouse’samenities, she could once again enjoy her own.

She was just about to pull intoHunter’sdriveway andask him to let her in when her cell phone rang. She saw it wasHunter calling her. She frowned. They had arranged to meet tonight.Hunter had said he’d meet her at the house, which is why she hadtaken a shower at her place.

“Hey, I’m at your place.Do you want to let mein, or give me the codes?” she asked.

“I’m not there, Harlow.”

“Okay, I take it you’re busy.” She heard themusic in the background, and she figured he was at theclubhouse.

He didn’t talk about club business with her.She knew something was going on, but she didn’t want to know,unless he was ready to tell her.

“What about tomorrow?”

“Not going to happen, Harlow.”


“We’re done.”


“Yeah, finished. It was fun while itlasted, but now,we’refinished.”

Harlow was so taken aback by what he was saying.