“Are you asking tobe judged?” she asked.

He snorted. “If you think you can judgeme.”

She pressed a finger to her lip. “I’d giveyou a five out of ten for effort.”

“A five?” he asked.


“Why a five?”

She could tell she had upset him. “Well,it was my first timesothat would mean it was going to partially suck anyway, if you thinkabout it. There was going to be pain, and it was going to beawkward. So a five for effort, because there is always room forimprovement. Let’s see, I think on the erection score, I’ll giveyou an … eight.”

“An eight?”

“Yeah, an eight, because I don’t know ifyou can get harder or not. Some of these things I’m going to have to assess as we go.” Shepursed her lips. “Kissing was pretty decent, nothing worthremembering, but then it was just a kiss. The orgasm was good. I’llgive that about a seven, because I know a man of your experiencecan do better.”

Harlow gasped as suddenly Hunter struck, and before she knew whatwas happening, she was straddling his lap. She felt the hard ridgeof his cock pressing against her pussy.

“Five,seven, eights, pretty decent, and good?” he asked, runninga single finger down her spine. Each touch made her shiver, not infear but anticipation. “I knew you had a smart mouth, I just didn’trealize how much of one.”

She winked. “At least you think my mouth issmart.”

“Yeah, but you see, I don’t considermyselfa perfectionist.Not really. I’m fucking bad at it, but when it comes to pleasing awoman and fucking, I am a master at it. I am a perfectionist atit.” He gripped the back of her neck tightly, and pulled heragainst him. Their lips were so close, but not quite touching. “AndI think I will be kind to you about those scores, but only thisonce.”

Before she could say anything more, his lipswere pressed against hers, and she melted against him, not wantinghim to stop. His lips felt so good.

She moaned hisname, and he growled against her lips. She had nochoice but to grab onto his shoulders as she suddenly moved herinto a new position, and then she felt the hard ridge of his cockat her entrance.

Harlow tightened her hold on him as he slidher down his length, and she took inch by inch inside her. Sheloved the feel of him as he filled her and she didn’t want him tostop. Thrusting her head back, she let out a moan, desperate formore.

“Fuck me, you are beautiful,” he said.

Harlow was so taken aback,she opened her eyes andlooked at him. She hadn’t even realized she had closed her eyesuntil he spoke.

“You think I’m beautiful?”

“Yeah, you are.”

No one had ever called her that before.

Hunter took hold of her hips and began toslide her up and down his length. She sunkher teeth into her lip, and he let go ofher body to cup her face. His thumb traced across her lip, and thenhe pulled it out from between her teeth. He gave a littletut.

“No, you don’t get to control thosescreams. I want to hear them,” he said.

Hunter lifted her up, and she was verymuch aware of the water that surrounded them, but that didn’t seemto stop him as he worked her up and down his length. He held ontoher, driving inside her, going in deeper.There hadn’t been any pain this time, but therewas an ache. A pleasure one, that drove her higher andhigher.

Gritting her teeth, she tried to containthe moans, but then his hands wandered. One of themwent to the back of her neck,as the other moved down to between their thighs.

The moment he touched her clit, there was no holding back.She was so sensitive, and Hunter seemed to know exactly what he wasdoing as he captured her cries of release. The kiss was hard,commanding, and deep.

The pleasure began to build within her body,threatening to spill over instantly, but Hunter kept her dancing atthe precipice, not allowing her to fall. He held her perched on thevery edge, and she begged and pleaded, all of which was lost as hekissed her.

She knew exactly what he was doing.Hunter was letting herknew he was in charge. She was at his mercy, no one else’s. Justhis.

Another moan, another whimper, and then hetook her over the edge. With his cock buried deep inside her, thisfelt so different. She felt so full and yet it was like hewouldn’t allow her to stop.Even when she didn’t think she could take any more, he took herover the edge into a second, unexpected orgasm.

Harlow could do no morethan feel at this time. She felt him,ached for him, and then he was ready for more. He returned hishands to her hips and began to thrust inside her, driving in harderand faster, fucking her so deep that she didn’t know where sheended or he began. It felt so good. Hunter was like a machine, andthis time, water spilled over the edge of the tub with the sheerforce of his thrusts.