She couldn’t do anything but hold onto hisshoulders. He had turned her into liquid.
And now, it was his turn. She watched him,unable to look away as he came. He pulled her down onto his cock,and she felt his lengthas it pulsed inside her. Each pulse reminding her that she wasn’ton birth control, and he wasn’t wearing a condom. The moment it wasover, Hunter pressed his face against her chest, kissing each titin turn.
“We fucked up,” Harlow said.
Hunter groaned. “Why?”
“We haven’t used any kind of birth control,”she said. She hated to break the mood, but seeing as this wasn’t atrue relationship, she didn’t see the point in hiding it. “And youdidn’t wear a condom.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Why?” Harlow asked.
“Because I didn’t want to.”
Harlow opened her mouth, closed it, andwasn’t exactly sure what to say. How did she respond tohim?
“You’re going to have to start wearingcondoms,” Harlow said.
“Or, get on the pill because I likedfeeling your naked cunt wrapped around my dick, and now that I havefelt it, Iwantmore.”
She glared at him. “What about the otherwomen? They could giveme diseases?”
“You’ll be the only one I’m fucking,” Huntersaid.
Okay, so there are a lot of things wrongwith this scenario. Forone, she knew she should tell Hunter to fuck off and to wear acondom. She knew that, without a shadow of a doubt. But … in theback of her mind as Harlow logic, she kind of felt it meant hewanted to extend this relationship.
This was fucked up. Totally one hundredpercent messed up. Harlow knew she should get out of it now, butshe also wanted to see whereit went.
This is not going anywhere. He has made thatclear. He is an asshole. He’s not a good guy. This is fucking.Nothing more, nothing less.
Hunter had never given her anything to suggest it would besomething more. Nothing. Zip. Nada. She had to stop getting herhopes up and thinking this could be more than it was.
“Do you promise?” she asked.
“There will be no more women. None of theclub pussy. That I’ll be the only one you’re with.” She couldn’tbelieve she was even asking this. It was so fucking stupid andinsane. She was no doormat. If she wanted him to wear a condom,then he should fucking wear one.
“There is no one else, Ipromise,” hesaid.
And there went her fucking heart. Shetried to ignore it. This was not a confession of love. It wasn’teven a guarantee. She didn’t know if he was going to lie to her,break his promise. For all she knew, there were dozens of clubpussy waiting back at the clubhouse for him. She knew her brotherwas always swamped with offersfrom women. She didn’t care about Big Dick,though.
This was about her.
The following morning, Hunter stared atHarlow, asleep in his bed. He knew he had fuckedup big time with this woman. He had noqualms about wearing a rubber. There was no reason for him to notwear one now, other than he loved the feel of Harlow’s naked pussywrapped around his dick.
It didn’t hold any special memories orsweet connotations. He was being a selfish prick.He’d worn a rubber with all theother women, but he had also known they had multiple partners. Hewasn’t anyone or anything special to them. Hunter had been a trophyand a revenge fuck. To the wives he’d gotten into bed, they hadbeen easy meat, and he an easy target. He had seen them with theirhusbands and watched as they looked at him hungrily. All it hadtaken was a few nice words and they were begging formore.
Wives were easy. They didn’t want forever.Especially the wives with rich husbands. They loved an easylifestyle. They enjoyed not working and just living to shop andkeep a clean house. He was a dirty rebel. The biker. They evenliked the fact if their husbands were to come home, the truth was,they couldn’t do anything.
Yes, some of the men had given him a blackeye, but he’dacceptedthat. He had also enjoyed the challenge, the fight. Sometimes ithad been better than the fuck itself. Now as he looked over atHarlow, he couldn’t help but feel something. He didn’t know what itwas. He’d been her first last night, and after the bath, he’d takencare of her. Cleaning her, drying her, and then carrying her to themain bedroom, where he couldn’t resist taking her again.
With the house locked up tight, he didn’twantto drive out to herapartment to drop her off.
He reached out as if to touch her, butstopped himself. This was sex. This wasn’t going to be permanent.Big Dick was never going to find out what he’d done to his littlesister.