She shrugged. “I…” She stopped and looked back toward the bed. “Idon’t know what to do.”
“Well, first of all, you’ve got blood andspunk dripping down the inside of your leg, so what you can do isget your ass into the bath I’m running you, and let me clean thisup.” He took a step toward her, cupped her face, and stared intoher eyes. “And second, I didn’t give you permission to leave. Whenyou’re in my house, you do as you’re told. Your ass belongs to me,got it?”
“You think you can tell me what to do?” sheasked.
“Ifyou want to see how good my cock can be now that you’re nota virgin, yeah, I think you do, and you will.”
He pressed a kiss to her lips, because hejust couldn’t help it. Letting her go, he turned her toward thebathroom and then slapped her ass.
“Now, go and get yourself in the bath whileI clean this up.”
Harlow let out a yelp. She did offer him a glare, but he knewshe loved it.
He couldn’t help but admire her ass as shewalked away from him, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt thathe was fucked.Totally,royally fucked.
The line had been crossed. There was nogoing back, but Hunter was determined to enjoy it while it lasted.He didn’t know if it would last a week, a month. It didn’t matter, because until thattime came, this was his life.
Moving toward the bed, he looked down atthe bloodiedsheets.
He ran a hand down his face as he couldn’tquite believe he had bedded a virgin.
Chapter Five
Harlowknew exactly what he was doing as she sat in the bath,waiting. The rustling of sheets was quite clear. Hunter wasremoving them. Before she had attempted to make her escape, she’dseen the blood. Pressing her face to her hands, she tried not tothink. She tried not to even breathe. This was so embarrassing. Howdid any woman … cope? She didn’t know what to think or how tofeel.
She dropped her hands into the water andglanced around the bathroom. His home was amazing and certainly notsomething she would have pegged Hunter to have. She’d only everseen him running around the clubhouse or with theclub. There had never been anyhint of him owning such a lavish place. She would have known. Thepeople of Fort Clover were massive gossips, especially when it cameto the club. She knew not to ask too many questions, mainly becauseher brother had often told her not to. Even though she hated takingadvice from him, it seemed like the best idea.
Wrapping her arms around herself, restingher hands on her forearms, she rubbed them up and down, trying tocomfort herself. There was no oneto talk to. No one to share what happened heretonight.
She didn’t know how much time had passedbefore Hunter finally appeared in the bathroom. He didn’t say aword but walked over to his large bathtub and stepped inside,sitting opposite her.
For several minutes neither of them spoke.Harlow didn’t know what to say, and that was a first, even for her.She always knew what to say, or just blurted out what was required of her.
This was different. Hunter wasn’t justsome guy. He was the guy she’d given her virginity to.Yeah, it still came as ashock to her that she had given this man her V-card. It wasinsane.
“How are you?” she asked. It was the firstthing she could think to ask.
Hunter chuckled. “That is something I shouldbe asking you.”
“It’s not my first time.”
“How was your first time?” Harlow asked.
“You’re seriously asking me how my firsttime was?”
She nodded. To her, it seemed like a mucheasier topic right now. She hated to admit she was a little jealousbut Hunter was older than her, and, well, she had absolutely no intention of gettingher hopes up when it came to this relationship. She wouldn’t beholding onto a dream. This was sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Andshe intended to enjoy it.
He wasn’t going to tell his buddies, nor wasshe. Not that she had many buddies to tell. Ava, Abriana, Larissa,and sometimes Raven, depending on the day. Other than that, shedidn’t have anyone to talk to.
“Yeah. It will fillthe silence.”
Hunter chuckled. “Tell me how your firsttime was?”
She frowned. “You justexperienced it.”
“No, I experienced a tight, hot,soaking-wet pussy, and awoman that nearly pushed me away. How was your firsttime?”