Hunter had nodoubt in his mind, Ava had set his shit straight.The only person Smokey would listen to about the bad shit that wentdown with Ava, was Ava. Hunter hadn’t been able to reason withhim.
It was the first time in his lifehe had debated leaving the clubor moving to a different chapter of the Hell’s BastardsMC.
This club was his life, his home. He’d die for the club and forSmokey. Hunter knew bad shit happened. They made mistakes, bigfuck-ups, but they also had the balls to fix them.
They took out Creed. Raven took thebeating for Ava. With all the shit happening at once, Creed had attacked thebakery, Harlow had ended up stabbed, Raven and Ava taken. To saveAva, Raven took the beating of a lifetime. Then Carlos had a threatto his life, and he made an arrangement with Smokey to get rid ofRaven. Thankfully, that didn’t work, but Raven and Carlos were nowmarried with twin girls. Carlos was part of the club, as wasRaven.
Mafia battles were theirs, as club battleswere now the mafia’s.
During that time, while they weredistracted, there hadbeen movement with the Twisted Bastards MC.
Big Dick could find whoever theyneededevery other time,but for some reason the new leader of the club was staying quiet.Hunter didn’t like it. He preferred to look his enemies in the eyewhen he killed them. Any leader of the Twisted Bastards MC wouldn’tbe good for them.
“Nothing,” Raven said. “It’s quieteverywhere.”
They looked around at each other and Hunterknew they were all thinking the same thing. It wasn’t good. Silencewas a death sentence.
Smokeystepped back from the window and turned to look at theroom. “I want to double up protection detail on everything. Ourbusinesses, our homes, and at the club. Round-the-clocksurveillance. None of you should go anywhere alone either. Youdouble up. No excuses.”
Hunter didn’t like that. “What about theparty?”
“We keep with the party. We’ve got a bunchof club brothers arriving. It’s only fair we give them a warm welcome, and the morenumbers the better,” Smokey said.
He turned to Raven. “Carlos has tocome here, unless you’rewilling to take Ava with you.”
“I’m not leaving,” Raven said. “Carlos willbe here tomorrow night.” She shrugged. “He knows what itmeans.”
Smokey nodded.
“Do you think we need to lockdown?” UglyBeast asked.
“We’re not at thatpoint just yet. I’m not going to react,because keeping us all in one place makes us an easy target.” Heturned to Big Dick. “Start putting pressure on your contacts. Weneed to flush this fucker out.”
“Got it,” Big Dick said.
“Everyone clear?” Smokey asked.
Everyone nodded their head in agreement andSmokey was about to raise his gavel.
“No newbies!” Raven said,yelling to be heard.
“What?” Smokey asked.
“With parties, there are always newbies …rookies, fuck, what isthe word—prospects. Nonew ones, not until Twisted makes its presence known.”
Hunter pressed his fingers together. Ravenhadn’t exactly been forthcoming with any prospects of late.
Ever since she didn’t question a suspectedprospect and Abriana, Ugly Beast’s wife, was taken from the clubbyher own family withthe intent of killing her, Raven wouldn’t allow many new prospects,and she certainly didn’t make their lives easier.
There were always a lot of prospects at the club. Men thinkingthat club life is easy as fuck, with the free pussy and lots ofcash. It was anything but.
Hard work.