Pussy was just a welcome bonus, but again,not a guarantee.
Mostprospects didn’t make it. If they showed potential, therewas also a risk of dying. Club life was not easy and not one heallowed people to enter lightly.
“Anyone got a problem with that?” Smokeyasked.
No one argued.
Hunter didn’t have a problem. The fewprospects they had were a long way from earning theirpatches.
The gavel struck down, and everyone left theroom. He stayed seated, fingers pressed together. Raven also stayedbehind.
The door closed and Smokey turned to Raven.“I want Ava detail,” Raven said.
This didn’t surprise Hunter. Raven hadturned into Ava’s personal bodyguard.
He looked towardSmokey. “You know Carlos isn’t going to agree tothat.”
“And Carlos can complain about it, but heknows this is club. If Twisted are intent on making the move, thenyou know they’re going to attack the bakery. They rarely attack anyof our other businesses, but Ava is personal.”
Smokeyput his hands on his hips and looked toward her.
“You know I’m right.”
“And if it wasn’t for Carlos, you wouldagree,” Hunter said.
He’d feel a lot happier with Raven watchingthe bakery.
“How are you going to do that?”Smokey asked. “I don’twant Ava to know the shit that’s going on. She’s been throughenough.”
“I hang out at the bakery and all I need todo isget Harlow tostart talking. That girl can keep a brick wall talking,” Ravensaid.
Hunter smiled.
He knew there was a risk to Harlow’s lifeas well. She’d already been stabbed because of the club. Herconnection through the bakery, as well as her brother, put her at risk. Big Dick’s mainfamily was never at risk, because they didn’t have anything to dowith him. He knew Big Dick visited his parents from time to time,but that was about the extent of it.
“I’ve got this, you know I do,” shesaid.
“Fine, but you deal with Carlos. I don’twant that prick irritating me.”
Raven nodded, got to her feet, and left.
“Do you think you should allow her to takecare of Ava?” Hunter asked.
“Yes,” Smokey said. “She is more thancapable. You know it aswell as I do.”
Hunter had no doubt, but Raven also camewith her new mafia problems.
“Carlos is going to be a pain in theass.”
“Iknow, and Raven thinks she can handle him.” Smokeycollapsed into the chair, leaning back. “Why are you stillhere?”
“You’re going to break my heart, talkingshit like that,” Hunter said.
“You only stick behind if you really haveto. Tell me what’s onyour mind or fuck off.”
“Are you ready for this?” Hunter asked.