Next Friday was a long way off.
“It gives you time to think this over.”
“Why?” she asked.
“I’m not offering you forever, Harlow. I’mnot even offering you much of anything. Sex, fucking, that’s it.The use of my dick is all you get. Nothing more, nothing less. Idon’tdo sweet, cute, ornice. I will not be a hero in your world. I won’t be anything. Youcannot rely on me. Don’t think this will end in marriage, it won’t.I don’t do love. I’m not in love with you. I don’t have anyfeelings for you at all.”
Harlow knew this was a big mistake.
“And?” she asked.
“You can live with that?”
“I’m not looking for forever. I’m notlooking for a husband or a boyfriend. I want a good time. Nothingserious. This works for me. I’ll see you next Friday.”
“I’ll pick you up,” Hunter said.“AndI’ll give you thelocation of where to meet me.” With that, he hung up.
Harlow pulled her cell phone away from herear and looked at the screen. All that remained was his number withthe option to call, video chat, or send a message. There was nosign that they had even hada conversation. Her cell phone’s screen wentdark.
Now all she had to do was wait, go to sleep,and next Friday couldn’t come soon enough.
“It’s not like you,” Smokey said.
Hunter sat back and waited for Big Dick totalk.
“He doesn’t want to be found,” Big Dick said. “I’ve got eyesand ears everywhere. When the new leader of the Twisted lifts hishead, I’ll be ready. Until then, we’ve got to wait.”
Smokey slammed his hand down on the table,thrusting out his chair, and stormed to the window.
Shit had been quiet for a longtime, too quiet. EvenHunter knew that meant bad stuff was heading their way, and theyneeded to be prepared. They had a long, dangerous path with theTwisted Bastards MC, and it was only a matter of time before itcame back to bite them again.
Creed’s death didn’t end the club. Theonly way to end the threat of the Twisted was to completely wipeout every single member, including familyand children, to tear away their ideal. Killingchildren wasn’t part of the MO. Neither was killing defenselesswomen.
“Any news from Carlos or Sebastian?”
Their close ties to theSantiago mafia through marriage meant theyhad protection but also shared their enemies. Carlos Santiago hadbroken tradition by marrying their only female member,Raven.
Raven was one of them, and even thoughthere was a lot of shit between Raven, Smokey, and Smokey’s womanAva, it had all been forgiven and buried. Mistakes had been madethat had nearly cost Ava her life, but itstarted because of Creed.
Hunter rubbed at his temple, recallingwhat happened. Ava had been new to town. She was a wealthy womanand decided to open a bakery. She and Smokey had hit it off, andhe’d seen the change in Smokey. No woman had ever been special tohisprez, untilAva.
Then, one bad fucking day, photos of apossible interaction between Ava and the prez of the TwistedBastards MC had been delivered to them. It appeared Ava was a spy,a traitor.They didn’task questions.
He knew what happened would plague Smokeyforever.
Raven and the club pussy took over. Ava hadbeen beaten, stabbed, her hair hacked off, and in one of the worststates a woman could be. Smokey gave the order, Raven followed.
Kinky, Brick, and Raven haddragged Ava from thebakery to the clubhouse, where she’d been tortured. It was UglyBeast that had learned the truth.
They had been forced to realize what theyhad done. Smokey had put the death call on his woman, without thefull evidence. Ava had been at the bank, and someone had bumpedinto her. Creed made itappear in photographs like a planned meeting. Security cameras hadshown the proof. By that time, the damage had already beendone.
They had trashed her bakery and done thesame to her home. To the town of Fort Clover, she had becomethe enemy.
Ava had started the process of selling andleaving, until she had discovered she was pregnant.Smokey had been told about herpregnancy through a letter, a picture, with the promise she wantednothing from him. It hadn’t been an easy road of forgiveness forSmokey or Ava. The club pussy had gone.
He knew for a long time Brick and Kinkyexpected to either be killed or removed. Raven had also been sentaway, butSmokey hadcome to his senses.