Hunter didn’t know who had blabbed, but hedidn’t care.

Smokey would have had to be called to puta stop to the fight.Neither of them would have stopped otherwise.

Big Dick didn’t talk and Hunter glared athim, but he wasn’t going to back down. “I want the right to pursueHarlow,” Hunter said.

He made his voice strong, and he allowedit to carry as well.Adeathly silence fell on the club.

Big Dick started to laugh. “And you thinkyou can win her over? After all you’ve done?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Oh, yeah, and how do you figure that?” BigDick asked.

“Because I love her.”

“You don’t know what love is.” Big Dickspat on the floor.

“I know what it means to be with her and Iknow what it means to be without her. I don’t want to be withouther. I love her, and I’mnot going to back down. You want to come here every nightso I can prove it to you? I’ll pummel your ass and get pummeled ifthat’s what it’ll take to get her back, and for you to give me yourblessing.”

“I’m not her father,” Big Dick said.

“No, but you were, at one point, the mostimportantperson in herlife. Harlow adores you, and I know she will forgive you, and I’mhoping she will forgive me. I’m not going to break her heart again.I’m going to heal it.”

Hunter didn’t have a clue how he was goingto do that, but he couldn’t allow her to go out with that managain. Good or not, Andrew wasn’t right for her. He was the onlyman for her.

Big Dick stepped toward him and then thrusthis hand out. “Good luck.”


Hailey seemed a little quiet over theweekend. Harlow had to fill in the conversation, but come Monday,her boss and best friend was back to beingher old chatty self. She didn’t know if ithad something to do with her cell phone as she always seemed to beon it. From the small snippets Hailey had given her, she wassupposed to spend all weekend with Lover Boy, but he had canceledon her, and she had gotten understandably upset by that.

The strawberry jam went down a treat andHailey was already addicted to it. So much so, they had bothdecided to have strawberry sandwiches. Larissa had stopped by onSunday to bring them a freshly baked loaf ofbread. They had eaten agood portion of it on the day, and the leftovers had been turnedinto jam sandwiches.

Harlow liked to go to the diner for lunch,but her jam was on point. It was sweet, but not too sweet. She hadadded a little hint of vanilla as well. Not too much, just enoughto make the mouth water.

Arriving at work, Harlow felt great. Ithad been a good weekend. Andrew had been called to help with hisfamily, so any plans they had were canceled. She was relieved theywere as she didn’t know how muchshe could take. She liked Andrew, but she didn’twant to hurt him. If he was determined for there to be more betweenthem, he was going to get hurt.

She needed time. A lot of time. Maybe moretime than he could imagine giving her.

She wasn’t trying to be cruel, but shewasn’t going to pretend she didn’t still have feelings for Hunter,and she hated that man as well.

Hailey made them coffee to start theirmorning, while Harlow opened the shop. Taking the large mug fromher boss, she blew across the top and took a sip. It was a little hot. She placed hermug near the cash register, and then made her way into the back tograb some of the empty flat boxes she would need for the onlineorders. If she could get several packaged, they would be able to goout with the first delivery.

She walked back into the main shop and cameto a pause as she caught sight of the large vase filled withroses.

“Wow,” she said. “LoverBoy making up for canceling at the lastminute?”

“I wish. They’re for you!”

“For me?” Harlow frowned. She put the boxes down at herworkstation and went over to the bouquet. “No one has ever gottenme roses.”

“Maybe Andrew is stepping up his game.”

“I hope not,” Harlow said.

“What is wrong with him being interested inyou?”Hailey asked. “Idon’t get why you don’t want something more with him.”

Harlow sighed. “I’m not ready. I’m nottrying to be awkward or anything. It’s … complicated.” It wasn’tcomplicated. She still had mixed feelings about Hunter. It wasn’thard, but Hailey didn’t seem to get her feelings. She didn’t want to be a doormat toHunter, but she also didn’t want to hurt someone else.