Picking up the small card, she glanced atthe writing. It did have her name onit. She opened it and Harlow wassurprised.
“It’s not from Andrew,” Harlow said.
“It’s not? Do you have a secretadmirer?”
“It’s not a secret admirer.” She looked outthe window, but she didn’t catch sight of him.
“What does your card say?” Hailey asked.
“I’m not givingup.”
“I’m not giving up?” Hailey asked. “Whatkind of message isthat?”
“It’s from Hunter.”
“The VP?The one that broke your heart?”
Harlow nodded her head.
“What does this mean? It’s a good thing, right?”
“No, it’s not a good thing,” Harlowsaid.
She looked at the beautifulbouquet and shook her head.This was … horrible. This was worse.
“Harlow, are you okay?”
She turned on her heel and made her way intothe back of the shop, near the small storeroom. They only had asmall storeroom, but between the clients and the orders, theyrarely kept stock too long.
She stood in the cold room, hands clenched, and closed hereyes. There was no way she was going to cry, even though her eyesfelt like they were burning.
“I closed the shop, Harlow. I’m a littleconfused. You love this man.”
“Hailey,this man broke my heart without a single care inthe world. He ended it like I meant nothing.”
She was so close to tears.Over the weeks and months, shehad cried enough tears, and she didn’t want to cry any more. Allshe wanted to do was move on, not look back. Hunter was beingcruel.
“And he expects me to forgive and forget?What kind of moron would I be if I just went right back to him withopen arms? He would hurtme again.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I didn’t think he was capable of hurting mea first time, but trust me, I came to realize the error in mythoughts.”
She took a deep breath, then another.
The urge to cry slowed, until it was nolonger a concern, and then she turned to Hailey. “You can do whatyou want with the flowers.”
“Throw them in the trash, usethem for decoration, orhand a flower to each of your clients, I don’t care. I don’t wantthem.”
With that, she went back to the shop andstarted working through the orders. They were what was important toher, not a bunch of flowers that had no meaning.Hunter wasn’t going to win her back withsmall trinkets.
She didnot trust him.
Hunter didn’t get a single call. Not a thankyou.