Not once had he looked atanother woman. He didn’twant anyone but Harlow. The club pussy wasn’t happy with the lackof attention, but he didn’t want them. The only woman he caredabout was Harlow.
The only woman he couldn’t have was thewoman he wanted more than anything.Hunter was not prepared for these feelings thatthreatened to consume him. He was used to seeing what he wanted andthen taking it, not caring about the consequences.
Harlow dominated his thoughts all thefreaking time. Morning, noon, and night. It was why hetortured himself withgoing to town, to catch a glimpse. If he could, he’d go into thefucking beauty parlor to just sit and watch her. But he couldn’tfind a single excuse to be near her. All he could do was watch fromaffair, stalking in the shadows like a creep, which he knew was nota good look for him. Far from it.
Arriving back at the clubhouse, he parkedhis bikeand climbedoff. The Twisted Bastards MC had gone to ground. Even CarlosSantiago hadn’t been able to find any clue as to their whereabouts.Big Dick often took trips attempting to locate their enemies, butso far, nothing.
Hunter wanted to fucking kill them all. Infact, he had eventhought about blowing up their old clubhouse. Even thoughit was fast becoming derelict from the abandonment, he wanted itgone.
Loud music came from inside the clubhouse.The doors were wide open. Some of the boys were partying outside,and several of the women were naked and entertaining them. Hunterignored them and made his way to the bar.
He couldn’t catch sight of Big Dick. Vice and Rocky were atthe bar, and he made his way over to them.
“Where is Big Dick?” Hunter asked.
“In his room last time I checked,” Rockysaid.
“You want a drink?”
He shook his head. He wasn’t in the moodfor a drink. Making his way toward the back, he opened the door andtook the stairs two at a time, to go to Big Dick’s room. Onentering the room, he saw Big Dick was aloneand had his cell phone in his hand. Notwhat Hunter had been expecting. For some reason, he figured the manwould have a woman licking at his cock and balls. Not playing withhis cell phone. There was a bottle of whiskey on the side of hisbed, and nothing else.
“What the fuck do you want?” Big Dickasked.
“I want Harlow,” Hunter said. There was nopoint in pretending he wanted anything else, or anyone else. Therewas only one woman he wanted and craved, and he had tried toleave her alone, but he wasn’tgoing to any longer. No way was he going to back off.
He wanted Harlow.There was no way he could allow her tofall for someone else, or for anyone else to have her. She belongedto him and no one else.
Big Dick put his cell phone down. “Excuseme?”
“You heard me. I know I fucked up last time,and you’re pissed at me, and you have every right to be, but I’mnot backing down. I’m telling you I want her, and I’m going tofight for her.”
“You’re going to fight for her.” Big Dickgot to his feet. “Then let us go handle this like men.”
Stepping out of the room, Huntertook to the stairs once again,but this time he didn’t stop at the main room, and instead wentstraight outside. He watched as Big Dick walked outside, and hewasn’t surprised to see the guys also coming out.
“So, you think you’re good enough for mysister?” Big Dick asked.
“I’m the best man for her.”
Big Dick removed his leather cut, and Hunterfollowed suit, handing his to Brick.
“My sister is better than you,” Big Dicksaid.
“I know.”
Hunter stepped close to Big Dick, and hewaited.
“Do you expect me to let you near her aftereverything you’ve done?”Big Dick asked.
“Yes, because you and I both know Harlowloves me. She doesn’t love that fucking loser.They’re friends, nothingmore, nothing less. She is mine. She has always beenmine.”
And that was the first blow Hunter took. BigDick swiped his fist across his cheek, and Hunter was more thanhappy to take the blow. The next one came toward his chin, but thistime he defended himself.
The blows were brutal and vicious, butalso necessary. He didn’t stop in his attack, neither did Big Dick.There were no rules,just a fight between buddies to clear the air.
Hunter didn’t know how long it lasted, butit was long enough for Smokey to arrive and to call time. Big Dickhad blood dripping from his mouth, and Hunter knew blood was comingfrom his nose. He would hurt tomorrow and be covered in a freshassortment of bruises.
“What the fuck is this?” Smokey asked,getting between the two.