Harlow smiled and winked at Hailey, whohad looked at her. This is what the club was all about. This waswhat family was all about.At least, in her experience.

Ava had a baby strapped to her front.Umberto was nowhere to be seen, nor was Abriana’s child.She figured the guys weretaking care of them. They were a unit and they worked together.This is what Harlow had been missing for so long and what she hadhoped would happen with Hailey.

“I had no idea there were this manyoptions,” Ava said. “This is an insane amount of makeup.”

Hailey chuckled. “This is only a smallselection.”

Harlow glanced over at Hailey who seemedto finally be happy.Nothing she had done over the past couple of weeks hadhelped.

Hunter brought them all some food from thediner, which Harlow was grateful for. They all took a lunchbreak.

Larissa and Hailey weresitting together, chatting about allthings makeup and hairstyles.

“Thank you,” Harlow said.

“What are you thanking me for?”

“Either you or Kinky did this.” She glancedover at him. “And seeing as Kinky is not here, I’m more inclined tosay and believe you did this.”

“It was a joint effort,” Hunter said. “Kinky wanted to know howHailey was doing, but he also knows his presence is not welcome. Itold him what was happening. He said she needed distractions. Irounded up the women with Smokey’s help.”

Harlow smiled. “Thank you.”

“You’re worth it, Harlow.”

She nibbled her lip and then glanced downat her large portion of fries. They hadn’t talked about hisdeclaration.Hunter alsohadn’t pushed, but that pain she had experienced every time she sawhim had slowly begun to fade. Harlow didn’t know if it was becauseshe had nearly lost her friend, or if time had started to cure thatfeeling, or if it was Hunter himself. She didn’t know if he spokethe truth or not.

All she did know, was it didn’t hurtanymore. And for that, she was grateful.


“You know you’re a pussy, right?” Big Dicksaid.

“Fuck off. If you’re not going to help me,then fuck off.”

“You do know I feel like this ispressure.”

Hunter was close to losing it with Big Dick.He had everything in place for a reason.

“Get lost, Big Dick.”

“Kind of can’t, seeing as I’m the best man and allthat.”

He was already regretting asking Big Dick tobe his best man. In fact, he was regretting a lot of things. Likeasking Big Dick if he could marry Harlow. Then he’d approachedHailey and asked her to help him make today special.

It was Christmas Eve, and he hadn’t askedHarlow if she would marry himyet. He was hoping she trusted in him, believed inhim.

The only way to hope for thatwas to ask her to marry him,and then actually marry her. Big Dick had arranged for her parentsand her five other brothers to be there. Larissa and Jonah werethere, and it was Jonah who had offered to do the service forhim.

Everything was running so smoothly, at leasthe thought it had been running smoothly, now he wasn’t so sure.

The flowers, all of them roses, had beendecorated through the clubhouse. Smokey had given permission to usethe clubhouse like this.

Ava, Raven, Abriana, and Larissa, alongwith Hailey, had allpromised to be bridesmaids, Hailey the maid of honor.

Kinky was also in residence, and Hunter hadgotten him to promise not to fuck this up for them.

Everything was falling into place. He hadeven gotten Hailey the dress he knew Harlow would love.