“So, what do you think?” Harlow asked.
Hailey opened her mouth and then Harlowgasped.
“I totally forgot to show you. Rememberthat brand you love so much and you would love to test out, and youreached out to them a gazillion times?” Harlow rushed into the back office and grabbedthe small box that had arrived. “They sent testers.”
She knew Hailey was a sucker for new makeupand new beauty products. “Oh, wow,” Hailey said.
And for the first time in weeks, she lookedhappy.
“And they even sent your favorite colors.Florally pink, and so pretty.”Harlow handed the box of goodies to Hailey and rushed backinto the office to find a small mirror she had seen Hailey use toapply makeup so many times. With it in her grasp, she stood infront of her friend.
“Go on, try it. You know you want to.”
“Idon’t think now is the right time.”
Harlow rolled her eyes.“There’s probably nevera good time for makeup. Us women have to find the time. Come on.Try it, Hailey. You know you’re going to love it.”
She nibbled her lip and watched and waitedfor her friend to glide the lipstick across her lips.
Hailey took a deep breath and then shelooked at her face, and swiped the lipstick across her lips. It wasa bright pink, but not too bright. There was also a tint of glossto the lips.
Since she had gotten outof the hospital, Haileyhadn’t worn any makeup. Harlow wasn’t used to her friend beingwithout makeup. Even after the truth had come out about Kinky, shehad always worn something, be it foundation or lipstick, evenmascara. It was all there.
“How does it feel?” Harlow asked.
“It feels really nice.” She pressed her lips together and thenpouted in the mirror. “How does it look?”
“Pretty. Real pretty,” Harlow said.
Hailey laughed. “That is what youalways say when you don’t havea clue what to actually say.”
Harlow winked at her.
“The windows are all set,” Hunter said,coming into the shop.
She turned and stood beside Hailey. Herfriend held the box in her hands while Harlow still held themirror.
“It’s looking good,” Hailey said.“I think we can start to fillthe displays with products.”
Harlow couldn’t help but clap her handstogether in excitement. She knew it might look a little crazy, butthis was a huge step and no one was going to take it away from thetwo of them.
The products in the back hadn’tbeen damaged, unlike the onesthat had been ruined from the rain of bullets.
Glancing over at Hailey as she brought outthe box of goodies, Harlow suddenly realized what her friend’sproblem was.
She was about to ask her how she was doing,but then stopped as Raven, Ava, Abriana, Larissa, entered thebeauty parlor.
“How is it this place smells so good?”Abriana asked.
“I have scents,” Hailey said. “We’re notopen yet.”
Raven waved her hand in the air. “That’sfine. You can all make us look pretty soon.We’ve come to help.”
“To help?” Hailey asked.
“Yeah, I know you and Harlow have ithandled, but it will go faster and we can get you up and runningwith all of us.”
Larissa giggled. “Please, I know absolutelynothing about makeup, but every time I pass this shop, I alwayswant to come and ask.” Larissa moved closer and hugged Hailey. “Doyou think you’ll be able to teach me?”