He didn’t need his bride to be in white.Harlow had been pure to him, but even if she hadn’t, he would haveloved her.After nearlylosing her this last time, he knew he couldn’t do that. He didn’twant to go through life without her. He’d even gone face to facewith Big Dick and told him he wasn’t going to back off.

Harlow was his. And Hunter belonged to her.It was why no one else ever got a chance with him. No one wouldever get a chance to be with him.

He loved Harlow more than anything in theworld, and now he understood Ugly Beast, Smokey, and even Carlos,and why they would alldie for the women they loved.

“What are you going to do if she says no?”Big Dick asked.

He hadn’t thought that far ahead so he gaveBig Dick a glare, who held his hands up in the air.

His cell phone went off, and heglanced down to see itwas a text from Hailey. They were close. Harlow didn’t know whatwas happening.

Hunter had asked thatHailey cover Harlow’s eyes so she didn’tknow where they were going. Harlow wouldn’t argue with Hailey as heknew she was trying to help the other woman find that passion thathad been ruined with the attack.

“Everyone, in your places, please,” Huntersaid. “Harlow is nearly here.”

Now he felt that horrible sense ofpanic.

“Are you regretting this?” Big Dickasked.

“What if she says no?”

“She won’t,” Big Dick said. “Because eventhough she has tried to hate your guts and for good reason, shenever stopped loving you. Love doesn’t have a way of turning itselfoff. There is no on-offswitch. Harlow will always love you. Stubborn ass and at times abitch, but she wants you. I hope you can handle it.”

This was not the confidence boost hewanted, but at the moment, he would take it.He would take anything that meant he gotHarlow.

There was another ring of his cell phone and another textmessage to let him know they had arrived. Running a hand down hisface, he took a deep breath, and then stepped out of the clubhouseand into the freezing-cold winter’s night.

Hailey gave him a thumbs-up, and then rushed inside.

Harlow wasstanding beside the door, and he took severalsteps, approaching her.

“I have no idea what’s going on, but this is a little freakyto me.”

Hunter grabbed her hands and held them.


“Yeah, it’s me, babe.”

“What is going on? Don’t get me wrong, Itotally trust Hailey andI trust you, but the mask, and well, looking so pretty, and it’skind of messing with my head right now. I have no idea what ishappening.”

“Trust me,” he said.

He still held her hands but went down on oneknee. He let go of one hand and reached into his jacket pocket. Hewore a tuxedo, a proper suit that didn’t have a single leatherelement attached to it.

“I want you to open your eyes,” he said.

Harlow pushed the mask off her face andblinked, but then she gasped. “Hunter?”

“HarlowErikson, you are the love of my life and I know I don’tdeserve you. I know I’m twice your age and you should find someoneyour own age, who you can grow old with, but none of them will everlove you like I do. I love you with all my heart. You are in here.”He pressed a hand to his heart, then to his chest, and he couldn’tresist grabbing his dick. “And here.”

Harlow laughed and he saw her eyesglistening. “Romantic.”

“I know I fucked everything up. I knowIdon’t deserve you, andI know you could have any man in this world, but know this, I willhunt them all down. None of them will ever be as good for you as Iam. They don’t have what it takes to take care of you.”

Harlow cupped his face. “Shut up.”

“Marry me, Harlow.”