The full moon is tomorrow,he reminds me, and I swallow hard.

I know.We have all day with her. We’ll win her over later,I promise him.

He eyes me and goes back to pacing inside of me. I try to ignore him, but as I eat, all I can think is that I sure hope that I can keep my promise. For both of us.



The snow is coming down heavy againtoday, the wind whistling as it rushes by the house and shakes the windows. I burrow further under the blanket, curling up against the couch armrest as I watch it go by.

“Want to play a board game or something?” Niko asks as he comes in, passing me a glass of water.

“Maybe in a bit,” I say, taking a sip of my drink.

We spent yesterday playing Monopoly and card games. There is no TV service or streaming services here, but Niko found a few old movies and we watched them on his tiny TV until I fell asleep. I woke up this morning and wasn’t even surprised to see that he had carried me to bed and tucked me in at some point.

I’m in a weird mood today. I thought maybe it was because of the weather or because we were going to be stuck inside again today, but now I know that isn’t it.

I’m not sad or upset.

I’m turned on.

There’s a strange current skating over my skin and I feel more aware of myself and of Niko. It’s hard for me to keep my eyes off of him and every time that he’s near me, I start to feel like I’m overheating.

I’m so wet between my legs and I can feel my panties sticking to me there. I’ve only been wearing them for two hours and I’m close to having to change them.

Niko seems on edge today too.

I wonder if he’s feeling the same thing that I am. Does he want me too? What am I saying? I’m his fated mate and he’s a shifter. Of course, he wants me.

I haven’t really done much thinking about fated mates or shifters since Niko told me. When I met his friends, they seemed normal. Maybe a little bigger than most humans, but it was easy to forget that they’re wolves and bear shifters.

In my head, I know that he says that we’re fated mates and that we belong together. I never thought that I would be someone that fell in love at first sight, but that’s what it feels like today. Or maybe it’s lust at first sight.

I sigh, and Niko’s eyes lock on me.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, settling closer to me on the couch.

He grabs my foot and starts to massage it, his grey eyes locked on me.

“I was just thinking that I don’t know much about you.”

It’s close enough to the truth anyway.

Flurries whiz past the window, and I shiver just looking at the snow coming down.

“What do you want to know?” He asks me.

“What’s your favorite color? Or food? Or season?”

“Blue, pulled pork, and fall. What about you?”

“Green, pizza, and winter. Favorite holiday?”


“Same. Dream vacation?”