“A bit.”

I stack a few pancakes onto her plate and grab the bacon that I had made earlier, adding a few pieces of that to her plate too.


She still looks half asleep as she takes a bite of bacon and leans her elbow on the table, propping her chin in her hand.

“What are we doing today?” She asks as I pour her a glass of orange juice.

“It’s snowing again, so I thought that we could hang out here.”

“Sounds good.”

She seems a little nervous or anxious about things today and I wonder if seeing my wolf and then dry humping me is throwing her off.

Should I talk to her about it?I wonder. My wolf nods, but can I trust his word? My wolf growls at me and I ignore him.

I don’t have any experience with dating or trying to romance a woman. I always assumed that my mate would be a shifter too and we would both just trust that fate had brought us together and that we were meant to be. Now I need to win her over and make her love me and I don’t have the slightest idea how to do that.

Maybe I should have asked the guys, but I doubt that they would have had any ideas either. It’s not like they have any experience with dating or mates either. I’m the first of us to find their mate.

“Tell me about yourself,” I say as I take a seat across from her.

“Um, I’m twenty-three, I live in New York. I’m an only child, and both of my parents have passed away, so I’m kind of an orphan too.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, and she nods.

“Thanks. What about you?” She asks, obviously trying to change the subject.

I decide to let her since she still looks upset.

“I’m an only child too. I’m twenty-eight. I grew up in Montana but moved here when I was fifteen. My parents joined the pack here for a bit, and I decided to come back after I got out of the Army.”

“Are your parents still here?” She asks, and I shake my head.

“No, they moved to Arizona a few years ago. I think that they’re still there.”

“Think?” She asks innocently.

“Yeah, we’re not that close anymore. They didn’t want me to join the military,” I admit.

“Why not?”

“They knew that I could be found out. Shifters heal faster than humans. If I was shot, they would have noticed how quickly I was better and questions would have been asked. I think that they were just worried for me, but they had a terrible way of showing it.”

“I’m sorry, Niko,” she says, reaching for my hand and I intertwine our fingers together, giving hers a squeeze.

“It’s okay. I made my own family here.”

“I’m glad,” she says softly, and I smile.

“Me too.”

There’s so much more that I want to tell her. Things like; I’m so glad that I’ve found her, that I love her and want her to be my family, that I want to make a family with her. I can’t though. I know that it would only freak her out if I did. So I bite my tongue.

“Dig in,” I say, and she pulls her hand from mine and grabs her fork, starting to eat her breakfast.

My wolf paws at me, and I try to reassure him.