Page 89 of Live, Love, Spy

“So I guess I’ll be seeing more of that,” Parker said.

“Don’t go to sex clubs unless you want to see some sex,”Kenzie countered. “And if you’d like to slut shame me, I can show you thesparring ring. It’s upstairs, though we don’t normally talk about fight club.Rules and all. There’s no shame allowed here.”

“No shame,” Parker said. “I kind of like the idea of noshame.”

Not that TJ was really listening because he was busystroking his tongue over Lou’s, getting his arms around her and pressing hissuddenly desperate cock against her belly. She was such a sweet bundle in his arms,and he needed to know what it would feel like to have her curvy body wrappedaround him.

He had no shame when it came to this woman. None. He woulddo anything to keep close to her.

He realized in that moment that he truly meant it. He wouldgive up his career, his future plans. He would take everyone calling him a keptman and smile proudly because she was worth it.

Nothing in his life was worth more than being Lou’s man.

“Uh, I think we’re good now,” Cooper said, clearing histhroat. “They left so you can stop. I mean unless you want to do it here. Youneed a condom, man? You do not want to take Travis’s crown.”

Lou pulled back, and TJ kind of wanted to smack Cooper. “No.We don’t. There’s actually a crown, and it’s made of condoms. Big Tag madeTravis wear it to Colton’s baby shower.”

Lou straightened up and seemed to try to look presentable tothe suddenly empty hallway.

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want to screw anything up,” Cooper said abit louder than he needed to.

There was a banging sound from the other side of the doorand then the sound of combat boots thudding across the floor.

Cooper shook his head. “I’ll go get the beast something tosink her teeth into. And a bottle of wine. That might soothe her.”

Cooper sighed as he walked away, and TJ stared down at Lou.She was adorably sexy in a corset that showed off her breasts and boy shortsthat clung to her hips.

He might be willing to wear that crown. He wasn’t Travis,who’d had a one-night stand go wrong. If he made a baby with Lou, it would betheir future. Their family.

But he had to convince her first.

“You ready to play?” He stepped back and held out a hand.

“This is more than showing Ben we’re a couple, right?” Sheseemed hesitant, her lower lip disappearing behind her teeth.

“This is real for me, Lou. This is everything to me, and Iknow you don’t believe me, but you will,” he vowed.

She put her hand in his. “All right, then. I’m ready, Sir.”

He led her down the hall and into the club, eager to begin.


TJ led her down the hall but stopped before they entered thelounge because there was something he hadn’t thought of. “I didn’t get you acollar. Lou, baby, I’m so sorry.”

Her head tilted up, a quizzical expression on her sweetface. “When were you supposed to do that? Before or after my kidnapping?”

He should have known she wouldn’t insist on anything at all.“There was a thirty-minute period somewhere in there. I got the cookies andyour sandwich instead.”

She moved in slightly, her body almost brushing his. “So youthought about feeding me before securing an outward sign of your possessionaround my throat?”

Suddenly, that didn’t seem like a bad thing. He put a handon her hair, gently pushing his fingers through so he could feel that softsilkiness. “I didn’t want you to be hungry. Sometimes you forget to eat whenyou’re anxious or you’re working through a problem.”

“And if you’re around, you put food in front of me,” shesaid, her lips curling up slightly. “And now you know how to make matcha tea.”

“Now I know.” He studied her for a moment. She seemed softerthan she’d been before, more centered and ready to accept what he was offering.“Are we pretending to live in the moment, or can I tell you I want to knoweverything about the care and feeding of Louisa Ward?”

“I don’t know. That sounds like a very Dom thing to say, atleast in our part of the world.” She leaned into his hand, her eyes closing. “Italked to a friend. She seems to think I should give this a real try. I have toadmit, this is something I’ve dreamed about. I don’t like admitting that.”