Page 90 of Live, Love, Spy

“Why? I have. I don’t mind telling you. You want to knowwhat my fantasy is?”

“I want to know how you see us working in this club.”

Of course she was still only talking about the club, but hewasn’t going to push her. Not tonight. He had a couple of weeks before he hadto worry about being apart from her. If he was close, he would bet she wouldn’tbe able to help herself. So he had to show her how good it could be here. Itwas a start.

He let his hand sink into her hair, twisting lightly so shehad to come up on her toes. “How it’s going to work in this club is I’m incharge, Lou. I know you’re used to being the smartest person in the room andthat meaning something, but here it’s nothing more than a truth about yourself.The world doesn’t depend on you here. Here there is you and me, and nothingelse matters. Here your brain gets a rest because your only responsibility inthis club is to obey and honor your Dom. Now tell me that’s what you wantedfrom me before. Tell me you could see us in this club as a serious D/s couple,because I’m going to be honest. I need this to feel complete in a sexualsense.”

She bit her bottom lip, looking at him like she’d never seenhim before. “I guess I didn’t think about D/s when it came to us. I guess Ididn’t think about sex beyond it meant we would be together.”

“You didn’t think about your own pleasure. You didn’t thinkabout what me topping you might give you.”

She shook her head. “I guess I didn’t think you could topme.”

Ah, now they were making progress. He tightened his grip andheard a gasp puff from her mouth. “See, baby, you saw us making love, quicklyand in the dark, and then me holding you all night. I’ll do that last part, andit won’t be some reward for pleasing me sexually. I want to hold you. I want towrap myself around you and sleep like a fucking baby because I’m finally home.But before that I want to fuck you. I want to fuck your mouth and your pussy,and I want to fuck your ass one day. We have to build up to that, but I’m goingto so enjoy watching you when I work a plug in there.”

“TJ.” She sounded scandalized.

“I’ll give you time, but you’ll want it eventually. Therewon’t be a part of you I haven’t touched with my hands and mouth and cock. Youwant my fantasy? It’s you. This you. I’ve loved you Lou, but I fell in lovewith this you, with the one you hide from the world. I want all of you, buthere I want that alpha bitch who took out the guard and coolly moved on to thenext part of her mission. I want to give her a place to relax. I want to rewardher with pleasure like nothing she’s ever had before, but I also want her totrust me enough to submit, to turn off that big brain and let herself feel.”

Her eyes had gone soft. “I think I want that, too.”

“With a Dom? Any Dom?” Maybe he would push her.

“With you, Sir. Only you. I wouldn’t trust anyone else. I’venever seriously been topped. I want to experience it. I know you think I wenton with my business after taking that guard out, but I didn’t feel right againuntil you spanked me.”

“And you got put in a dangerous situation today. You needsomeone to take you out of your head, Louisa. You should understand that Iwon’t let you stew. Even if we say this is only for the club, if I see youstruggling, it won’t matter. I’ll take you somewhere private and deal with thesituation. I’ll be discrete, but I’ll fuck you calm, baby. And I will get you acollar before the next time we walk into this club.”

“Whoa, Lou. You look hot. Hey, I heard something’s going downtonight. TJ, is it true you two are like undercover and shit?”

TJ turned and saw Lucas Taggart standing in the hallway, agrin on his face like all the world was his fucking stage or something.Normally he loved his cousin. Now all he could do was release Lou’s hair andget in Lucas’s space. “Keep your fucking voice down. Do you understand what itmeans to our cousins if you give away vital information when we have foreignoperatives running around? We’ve talked about this, known eventually we wouldprobably use this club, and we all agreed to take it seriously.”

Lucas’s eyes widened, and he held up his hands. “Shit, man.Sorry.”

“TJ, he’s only asking questions.” Lou stepped beside him,and he expected her to take Lucas’s side. She would lecture him on how heneeded to be polite and shit. Then her voice went cold, and her inner alphabitch made an appearance. “Questions that could get one of us killed. Is thatwhat you want to do, Lucas?”

Lucas’s voice went low. “Sorry. I was… I’ll keep my mouthshut. But you really do look hot, Lou. Like damn, baby. When you’re done withthe undercover…”

That was when TJ had enough. He put his hand around hiscousin’s throat and shoved him up against the wall. Lucas might be one ofAmerica’s up and comers in the cooking world, but TJ knew how to kill a manwith his hands, and not merely by giving him salmonella. “Stay away from her.Do I make myself clear? You look at her again and I’ll forget we’re related.She’s mine.”

Lucas managed to nod. “Yep. All yours. Got that now, but youhave to admit this is new information. Now how about you let me breathe and Iwill never look at Lou again, you crazy motherfucker.”

He felt a hand on his shoulder. Lou. “I think heunderstands, Sir.”

And his rage was gone. He let his cousin go and stepped back.

Lucas pointed his way. “You have serious anger issues,cousin. I like it. Makes you way more interesting. If you go around beating upa bunch of people, maybe my dad will stop talking about my perfectly normal formy age sex drive.” He put a hand on his chest. “Louisa, you look lovely thisevening, and it’s obvious you’ve pleased your Dom. Now I’m going to go find apretty sub and bitch about how my cousin tried to kill me.” He grinned, lookingevery bit the young Viking his father had once been. “Sympathy sex is awesome.”

Lucas strode into the dungeon.

Lou stepped in front of him, her hand going to his jaw,brushing along it as she gave him what seemed like every bit of her softness.“Are you all right, Sir? You had a day, too.”

He had. “I felt helpless, and I still feel a bit of that.They took you. They put hands on you, and Oliver being alive right now requiredan act of restraint on my part.”

She was so pretty as she went on her toes and kissed hischeek. “I thought it was an act of restraint on Zach’s part, but I don’t mindrewriting a little history. Thank you for not killing him, Sir. I appreciatedthe lack of blood. Now what do you say you show me what you have in store forme.”

She would be able to manipulate him so easily. All she wouldever have to do was turn those big doe eyes on him and he would give heranything she wanted. And if she would give him the power here, it would allwork out. He would worship her with all parts of his being satisfied by onewoman.

He kissed her forehead and took her hand, leading her intothe dungeon. Soft industrial music thudded through the place. It wasn’t thegreatest sound system, but it worked for them. LED lights gave the space amoody vibe, painting the subs and Doms in prettygreens and reds and blue. The main stage was taken up by Gabriel Lodge, who hadnot one, but two subs tied to St. Andrew’s Crosses as he used dual single tailson them.