Page 88 of Live, Love, Spy

“Zach told you,” Dare began. He’d been playing with Tashafor the last couple of weeks. Rumors had it they’d started out gently at firstand gotten more hardcore as they went. He’d helped set up a suspension scenefor them earlier. And no matter what his damn uncle said, it wouldn’t bring theroof down. “You can call her Kara or Ms. Magenta. You know how it is in thisbusiness.”

“But only with her,” Parker argued. “I buy it from the restof you. You’re really Cooper and he’s TJ and Lou is Lou. So that makes me thinkyou’re the support team.”

“You can think whatever you like, man,” Cooper shot back.“And if you’re here to ask if I have a problem with you playing with Kara, Itold you. I don’t. What you saw in Australia was nothing but a front for theop. You think you caught us together, but we knew you were there.”

Oh, he didn’t know this story.

Cooper turned like he’d read TJ’s mind. “Kara and I mighthave presented as a couple when we were in the club in Sydney. Dare saw us andapparently mentioned it to his friend.”

“He didn’t,” Parker countered. “He’s barely talked to mesince the minute he figured out I was an operative.”

“Since I found out you’d lied to me for months,” Darecorrected.

“Tasha did that, too, and she’s now your fiancé.” Parker’sexpression tightened as though he wished he hadn’t said anything. “No, I sawyou two together, and I doubt that kind of chemistry is all for an op. I won’tlie. I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m not going to do anything tonight. Itwould be the height of idiocy to fuck around in the middle of an op.”

He didn’t think it was the height. Maybe like the middle ofidiocy. It was obvious to him that Parker wasn’t a fan of true freaking love.

“I am not Kara’s lover.” Cooper said the words with agravity that kind of kicked TJ in the guts. He wasn’t, and he was pretty surehe never would be. Cooper loved Kala and she wouldn’t give him more than theoccasional glance, a touch here or there. Just enough to keep him coming back.


Had he done that to Lou? He hadn’t meant to. He’d nevermeant to hurt her.

“I wanted to make sure I’m not stepping on any toes if Ispend some time with her,” Parker said. “Though I wonder if she’s merelylooking for some intel.”

Kala would be. Kenzie, not so much. He kind of hoped Kenzieremembered there was a mission.

“Hey, baby,” a feminine voice said, and TJ realized Tashawas walking in from the dungeon. “I didn’t realize you guys would take so longmaking yourselves pretty. I thought that was our job.”

Kenzie was right behind her sister, and Zach stood at theend of the hallway, his massive body cutting off most of the blue lights comingfrom the lounge area of the dungeon. So that was their play. Parker and Kenziewere getting a babysitter for the night. Maybe more than one set since Zachlooked like he wasn’t about to take his eyes off them.

The poor subs who tried to kneel at that man’s feet would bedisappointed tonight since it looked like he was working.

Dare’s expression lit up as he saw Tasha walking toward him.He held out a hand, which she took. “You know I want to be pretty for you,baby. Hey, I missed you.”

Tasha’s lips turned up in a soft smile. “I’ve only been gonefor an hour.”

“Too long,” Dare said before pulling her in for a kiss.

Parker and Kenzie were staring like they were going todevour the other, but Parker held back.

“Kara, Parker here still thinks we’re involved.” Cooperseemed to force the words out.

“We’re friendly but nothing more,” she reiterated. “Come on,Ben. Let me show you our little slice of perverted paradise. If it’s not yourcup of tea, we can sit in the lounge and get a beer.”

The door to the women’s locker room started to open, andabsolute disaster was sitting behind it because Kala was right there in thedoorway following Lou.

TJ jumped into action, hauling Lou out and into his armseven as he slammed the door on a frowning Kala, who better have the good senseto not open it again.

He had Lou in his arms, backed against the wall in aheartbeat.

“Hey, baby. You look gorgeous,” he said.

Her eyes widened as she took in the crowd and likely figuredout how close they’d come to disaster. She tilted her head up. “You’ve barelyseen me. How would you know?”

He shook his head. “Don’t need to. You’re always gorgeous,and tonight you’re all mine.”

He lowered his head and felt a deep sense of gratitude whenshe softened beneath him and let him kiss her. Her hands went under his leathervest to brush up his sides as he stroked inside her mouth with his tongue.Fuck, she felt good. She felt perfect and right, and he was going to show hertonight that they were good together.