Page 33 of Unplanned

“I’m ready,” she answers, her voice barely heard over everyone else talking.

“Everyone, can I have your attention please?” I call out, not saying anything else until there’s not a single sound around us. At least from everyone in the canopy. We can still hear the gentle breeze rustling through the trees and the waves slapping against the shore and rocks. “As some of you know Autumn came to us a few months ago. Quinn was the first one to meet her and bring her into her life. Even if they lost contact for a while, my sister didn’t ever stop thinkin’ about the girl she found in the diner. For months we were all assholes to this amazin’ woman and took our own issues out on her. Ghost and I have a lot of work ahead of us to finish repairin’ the damage we caused, but everyone here from Cedar Bay does as well. Today is simply another step the three of us are takin’ toward our future.

“Autumn, you captivated my complete attention from the second I saw you when I towed your car. I wanted things I always told myself I didn’t want because of the life we live in the club. Growin’ up the way we do, you learn early on not to give out your trust easily and always suspect those you don’t know. That’s what we’ve done with you. What I’ve done with you. I will never be able to show, or tell, you how sorry I truly am. We put you through hell and I will spend the rest of my days makin’ it up to you. Today, I’m askin’ you to be my ol’ lady in the eyes of the club as we move forward and bring our baby into the world.”

Autumn has tears in her eyes as she looks from me to Ghost who stands on her other side.

“Autumn, you know I’ve wanted an ol’ lady. But, when you showed up with Brick at the garage, I believed the worst in you and didn’t give us a chance. I didn’t give you a chance. One little thing made me feel as if I couldn’t trust you without even thinkin’ about why you did what you did. Like Brick, I’m truly sorry and will spend my days showin’ you how I feel and makin’ it up to you. Autumn, today I’m askin’ you to be my ol’ lady in the eyes of the club and move forward as we build a solid foundation, a relationship, and raise a baby with nothin’ less than the love and support he or she deserves,” Ghost says, holding out the box for Autumn to open.

Without a word, she removes the lid of the box and pulls off the tissue paper to reveal her rag. Kevlar steps up and takes the box from Ghost after he removes the rag from inside. I take one side while Ghost remains holding the other side. Together we slide it on Autumn and let it cover her upper body. Stepping back, we take in our names on the back proclaiming her as ours. My cock is instantly hard as I realize I’ve got a fucking ol’ lady that I truly care about and feel more than I’ve ever felt for in my life. I’ve never been the one to believe in happily ever after despite what I’ve seen from our parents and the couples here in Cedar Bay. It just wasn’t something I thought of for myself. Now, Autumn makes me want to change my mind about a lot of things and realize that I can still be in the club and live a full life without necessarily painting a target on my family’s back. Or if that happens, we’ll have the support of everyone in the Wild Kings.

Everyone starts cheering and clapping for us. Tank is the first one to pull Autumn into his arms as he hugs her. Before anyone else can get to me, Tony’s at my side.

“He’s on his way here. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on, but he’s got FBI with him and there’s gonna be at least five or six cars pullin’ up. If you guys got any plans in place, put them in effect now,” he states, looking around at the women and kids. “I’m not sure how much time we got here, Brick. Get a fuckin’ move on.”

Tank keeps Autumn close as Zoey makes her way over toward them. Leaving them with Ghost, I make my way over toward Venom, my dad, Shadow, Grim, and Gage. I give them the information Tony just told me and we all start moving. There’s a lot to do and not a lot of time to get this shit done. Especially while trying to remain calm so the kids don’t get upset. This is going to be a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

Chapter Twenty-Three


SEEING MY NAME on Autumn’s back makes me want to fuck her so hard she knows she’s never getting rid of us. My cock is so fucking hard and nothing will take it away until I either get Autumn under me or go take a cold shower and deal with the situation myself. For now, I’ll be dealing with it myself. I’m not about to rush her because of what I want or need. This is about all three of us and the baby Autumn carries. We have to work our way back into her bed as we build trust and repair all of the damage that’s been done. I know this and yet I can’t get my cock under control. I feel like a fucking teenager about to get pussy for the first time.

As Tank keeps Autumn in his arms, Zoey finally makes her way over to us. I can see the excitement on her face as she practically bounces her way to us.

“Autumn, it’s so good to finally meet you in person,” she gushes, almost shoving Tank to the side to wrap Autumn up in her arms. “Savage really wanted to be here today, but they’ve got something going on and he has a few jobs to finish. He can’t wait to meet you.”

“This is my princess, Zoey,” Tank says, laughter filling his voice as he looks at his daughter. “Zoey, make sure she can breathe.”

“It’s good to meet you, Zoey. I can’t believe you’re really here. Did you leave the kids home with Savage?” Autumn asks her cousin.

“Well, yes and no. Reagan is taking care of them while Savage is doing his thing. When he’s home, the kids will be with him. So, he gets to be a dad and I get a day or two of freedom from the responsibility of raising kids. I’m exhausted. Just so you know, multiples run in our family. So, don’t be surprised if you’re not carrying one baby,” Zoey says as Autumn gasps in shock and her hands immediately fly to her stomach.

“Oh no! There better only be one baby in there. Do multiples run in Brick’s family?” she questions, her voice raising several octaves.

“No. All three kids were born as single births,” I answer, laughter filling my voice at the shock on her face. “And we’ve all been single births in my family as well. So, hopefully it will skip you and that’s something Zoey and the triplets have to worry about.”

“I certainly hope so. My goodness,” she says, not moving her hands from her stomach.

We all laugh as Zoey finally lets her go and steps back. The two girls talk as more people make their way over to us. My attention is on Brick and Tony. I can’t hear what’s being said, but the conversation looks serious. The second Tony’s done talking, Brick makes his way over to Venom and our dads. They exchange some words and the next thing I know everyone is moving.

“What’s going on?” Autumn asks, fear filling her eyes as she looks at all the kids being picked up and loaded up in trucks and SUVs.

“Nolan is on his way here. It’s okay, baby,” Brick says, making his way back over to us. “He’s got the FBI with him so I don’t foresee him pullin’ a weapon and openin’ up fire here today. We’re just gettin’ the kids out of the way. This is somethin’ we talked about doin’ in church. You just stay right here with us and you’ll be safe.”

The triplets, my dad, Steel, Tony, and every member from Cedar Bay stand behind the three of us. Tank doesn’t move from Autumn’s side and pushes Zoey slightly behind him. He’ll forever protect his baby girl and we all know that. I’m surprised Maddie isn’t over here yet. She’s usually not too far away from her husband. However, I see her helping get the kids out of the way.

No one is saying anything as the ol’ ladies remain by the vehicles with a few of the guys from Clifton Falls and Dander Falls. Our dads and Tank are the only ones from there who aren’t moving from our side. Tank because Autumn is his niece and our dads because Autumn is their daughter-in-law. At least according to them. It doesn’t matter if we’re married or not. They’ll always view Autumn as another daughter because she’s carrying our baby.

Yes, I’m finally thinking of the baby as ours. It’s literally taken Autumn keeping me at her side for me to get that she wants me to be part of this. That Brick wants me to be a part of what happens with the pregnancy and then the baby once they’re born. Part of me still wants to step back, but at the end of the day, the three of us are in this and we’ve cemented that fact here today by claiming Autumn as our ol’ lady.

Sliding my arm around her shoulders, I take in her trembling body and try to soothe her fears. This is going to put her through a ton of stress that she doesn’t need. However, we have a plan in place as long as everything goes according to plan. Nolan actually ensured that he can’t do anything by bringing the FBI with him. Well, we’ve got Tony who’s been building a case against Nolan based on what Goose has already handed over to him, what Autumn’s told him, and what Janice has given him. Yes, that bitch was real quick to rat the fucker out so she’s not the only one getting in trouble. Tony didn’t even have to promise her a reduced sentence for her cooperation or anything either. The bitch is just that horrible. And she thinks she’s gonna get a slap on the wrist while Nolan gets actual prison time. Little does she know that she’ll also be going to prison. Because Autumn’s pregnant, one of the charges he can get her for from the attack is attempted murder.

I want to fucking kill Nolan for putting this kind of fear into Autumn. She doesn’t deserve this shit and I’m going to make sure he pays for every second of fear and pain she’s ever known at his hands. When he goes to prison, I’m sure it won’t take us much to find someone in there to make sure he has a horrible time. He’ll live the rest of his days in hell until someone finally takes him out. I’m sure it won’t take much considering he’s been known to sell kids. Men in prison don’t take that shit lightly and will take care of him for that reason alone.

We all remain quiet as we wait for whatever is about to happen. The longer we have to wait, the harder it’s going to be to control Brick. Looking at my best friend, I can already see the rage and hate on his face. Like Autumn, his entire body is shaking. However, in his case, I know it’s because he’s got so much rage flowing through him. Steel and my dad step up on either side of him to make sure they can grab him if he goes for Nolan. We’ve got plans in place for a reason and if Brick loses his cool, those plans will be for nothing. It could essentially give Nolan a get out of jail free card and that’s not about to fucking happen.

“Brick, man, you need to calm yourself. Not only isn’t this shit helpin’ Autumn, you know what’s about to happen. Nolan is just makin’ it easier for us considerin’ the guys in the FBI are comin’ with him. Tony, do you know if they’re all on his payroll? Are any of them fuckin’ clean?” I ask our friend while keeping my gaze locked on Brick.