Page 34 of Unplanned

Brick takes a few deep breaths and holds each one for a few minutes. When he releases them, a slight bit of the tension filling him leaves his body. Not enough to make me comfortable that he won’t do something, but enough to show he’s working on it. Autumn reaches across Tank and slips her hand in Brick’s. He holds it like it’s a lifeline and has no plans of letting go anytime soon. Holding her hand actually does a little more to take the tension out of him.

“I’m good. Well, not good, but I’ll be good. I know what’s gonna happen,” Brick finally says as Tony looks on.

“There’s only two from my knowledge who are on his payroll. Everyone else comin’ with them is clean. Or at least not in his pocket. Does what you’re about to hand over include those two fuckers from the FBI?” Tony returns, an evil smirk on his face.

“Yeah, it does. Goose made sure that shit is the first page in the file. Hopefully it’s not just Nolan goin’ down today but those assholes as well. We’ll have to wait to find out,” Venom answers Tony as we all remain waiting for Nolan to show up. “Anyone know where this fucker is?”

I look around at our group and find Otter on his phone. It doesn’t take long for him to end the call with a smile on his face. He looks at each of us before saying what he’s gotta say.

“Those stupid fucks thought we were gonna be at the clubhouse and were gonna be able to raid it while harrassin’ Autumn and the rest of the ol’ ladies and kids. Came without a warrant though. Nolan is with a group of five or six cars. They should be here any fuckin’ second. Prospect on the gate turned them away and the FBI agents on Nolan’s payroll got nasty. Goose, can you pull that footage to show the others when they get here?” Otter informs us as he remains behind the rest of us while still remaining close to Autumn.

The plan is to get her the fuck out of here if anything goes sideways. It doesn’t matter who gets her to safety as long as it happens. Brick left his keys in his truck just in case he’s not the one to take her there. Whoever has her can get in and drive away without hesitating and letting Nolan or his fucking friends get to her.

“Ready, baby?” I ask Autumn as I remove my arms from her shoulders and slide my hand into hers.

“Not at all. I’m scared, Ghost. Are you sure nothing is gonna happen?” she asks me as Tank moves just enough to let Brick step closer to her.

“Nothin’ is gonna happen when he’s got the FBI with him, sweetheart,” Tank answers her with his deep, soothing voice. “But, you just listen to us and do what we say. If somethin’ does start, one of us will get you the fuck outta here along with the kids and the rest of the ol’ ladies. Don’t hesitate or listen to anythin’ that stupid fuck has to say to you. Do you understand me?”

“Yeah. Please, all of you stay safe. This is why I wanted to leave here. I didn’t want all this shit coming to your club and town. Nolan and my mother are poisonous and destroy everything they come into contact with,” she says as I see the first vehicle pulling into the parking lot of the bay.

Chapter Twenty-Four


FEAR COMPLETELY FILLS me as I stand surrounded by Brick, Ghost, Tank, and the rest of the men from the Wild Kings MC. Several cars pull into the bay and find parking where they can. For several minutes, no one gets out of the vehicles as the ol’ ladies start climbing into the trucks and SUVs the kids were already put in. They’re getting out of the way and I want nothing more than to climb in with them and disappear from the world instead of having to face Nolan Montez. He’s a fucking monster and I’m ready to get this over with so I can move forward with my life. It’s the part of actually seeing the asshole and having the possibility of these FBI agents forcing me to go with him that has me terrified. If I’m forced to go with Nolan, I know I won’t be getting away from him. He’ll lock me away somewhere and no one will ever see me again.

“It’s okay, baby,” Brick murmurs as the first door opens and the man in question steps out of the car.

While looking around, Nolan smoothes down his suit and sneers at everything that’s been set up for us today. I can’t even really enjoy what the guys and club set up because this overshadows everything they’ve done. It’s ridiculous that this man has such a strong hold over me and that I’m letting him. I’ve only just recently learned to stand up against my mother, but I know myself well enough to know I won’t ever be able to do the same when it comes to Nolan. Plus, look at what happened the last time I stood up to my mother. I was attacked and ended up in the hospital. I can’t let anything happen to my son or daughter because they’re the most precious thing in this world to me.

When Nolan’s eyes finally land on me, the disgust on his face becomes even worse. He starts to take a step forward when someone puts their hand on his shoulder and stops him. I didn’t even realize the rest of the people got out of the cars with him because I was so focused on the monster. Some words are exchanged between the two men before Venom, Steel, Tank, and Wicked step forward and block me from Nolan’s view.

“You’re at a private party. Can we help you with somethin’?” Venom calls out, his voice loud and cold as he stands in front of me.

“We’re here for a Miss Autumn Connors. She’s been missing for some time now and her fiancé is waiting to take her home where she belongs. Miss Connors needs some help and he only wants to make sure she gets it,” one of the men states as he takes several steps forward.

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. Autumn is home and she doesn’t have a fiancé. There’s people she’s runnin’ and hidin’ from due to what they’ve been tryin’ to force her to do and the beatin’ they’ve given her on multiple occasions. I’m guessin’ this man is one of the assholes who put their hands on her. So, she won’t be goin’ anywhere with this so-called fiancé,” Venom says, his voice even colder than it was a second ago.

My entire body is shaking in fear as I get another glimpse of Nolan. If I thought he was sneering in our direction before, it’s nothing compared to now. His entire face is red and his fists are clenched at his side. Even from a distance I can see the gun under his suit jacket and know in a matter of seconds this entire thing could go wrong. I’m trying to slow my breathing down and get my heart rate under control but it’s so damn hard. Even with Brick and Ghost holding my hands and someone else rubbing my back in comfort, I can’t seem to get myself under control. This is not good.

Black spots start to fill my vision and I can’t focus on anything around me. It’s just a matter of time before I’m going to pass out. While I’ve had panic attacks in the past, it’s been a long time since I’ve actually passed out from one. With all this shit concerning my mother and Nolan, it seems as if my panic attacks are coming back again and I hate them. They make me feel so weak and then all I want to do is sleep. Today was supposed to be fun and the start of a new chapter in my life. One where Brick, Ghost, and I were building something together. Instead, the day is tainted by an asshole and it only adds rage to the panic welling inside me.

“You’ve got this, baby. Take some slow, deep breaths for me. Don’t let this fucker win. You can fall apart once he’s gone and then we’ll forget all about him,” Ghost whispers in my ear, hardly penetrating the fog filling me from panic.

“No one has ever put their hands on Miss Connors. That’s one of the many stories she’s told people in her attempt to get away from Mr. Montez and her mother. They’ve been trying to get her the help she desperately needs and she’s not receptive to it. They’re in the process of getting paperwork drawn up so they can take over making any medical decisions on Miss Connors behalf. I’ve got documents right here stating that Miss Connors is indeed engaged to Mr. Montez and they are to be married soon,” a second man says, coming to stand next to Nolan as I try to breathe in and out deeply like Ghost is doing as he brings our joint hands up to his chest so I can feel his steady heartbeat.

“We’ve got our own set of paperwork for you. Papers that will show not only all of the dirty deeds Mr. Montez has been takin’ part in over the years, but evidence that two of the agents with you today are on his payroll and here to take this woman against her will. She does not want to marry this man and will not be goin’ anywhere with him. He has abused her and she has overheard conversations about his plans for her after she gives him an heir,” Brick says, stepping up without letting go of my hand.

Goose and Venom step forward and when one of the agents step toward them, they completely ignore him. I can barely see what’s going on, but I can see enough. I need to be able to see what’s going on or I won’t believe it. Goose hands the folder in his hand over to a different agent and goes over everything inside with him. Tony soon joins them and gives them more information. I’m not sure if it’s about my mother and what recently happened or if it has to do with something my mother said against Nolan. All I know is the conversation between the men is filled with tension based on how rigid they’re standing as they talk.

My eyes slide over to Nolan where he’s frantically talking with the other two agents. Again, I can’t hear what’s being said because they’re all too far away. What I do know is that Nolan is pissed off and he’s not taking his eyes off of me. The rage and promise of retribution is clear to see as the black spots finally leave my vision. I’ve managed to calm myself down just enough to stop that from happening. However, my body is still shaking like crazy and my heart is beating so fast it feels as if it’s going to pound right out of my chest. This is fucking horrible.

“Mr. Montez, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you . . .,” I barely hear what else is being said over the commotion Nolan starts making.

“You can’t fucking arrest me! I’m here to get my fiancé and take her home. Whatever is in that folder is nothing but lies she’s concocted. She’s a manipulative liar with severe mental issues. I only want to get her home so we can get her the help she needs,” Nolan yells out frantically trying to get away from the agents trying to put the handcuffs on him. “This isn’t supposed to be fucking happening. If you’re going to arrest anyone, take the men keeping her hostage into custody. They’re the ones not letting her go.”

“We’re not holding Autumn here against her will. She’s choosin’ to be here with us because we don’t beat on her and we aren’t gonna sell or kill her,” Ghost speaks up, his voice almost colder than Venom’s.