Page 32 of Unplanned

THE LAST FEW weeks have proven that Autumn is more than willing to put in the work it takes to form the foundation for a friendship that will possibly lead to more between Ghost, her, and me. We have been spending all of our free time together and we have more than enough of that since Ghost and I aren’t working. If anything, we’ve gotten into a routine of sorts. Ghost and I stay in Autumn’s room with her. The only reason we even go back to our own rooms is to shower and change our clothes on a daily basis. We don’t leave her at the same time unless someone else is with her. We have all of our meals together and mostly hang out in Autumn’s room during the day. The only time we go out to the common room is when everyone is home from work.

Quinn has been spending time with us during the day since James is home and she doesn’t have to go to the hospital every day to spend time with him. Autumn has gone out a few times to help with the kids and work in the kitchen with my sister. It keeps her mind off of everything going on and there’s nothing we want more than for her to forget about Nolan possibly coming to Cedar Bay. She’s so scared he’s going to get her and do something to our baby that she’s been having nightmares every damn night. Ghost and I always wake her up and give her comfort as soon as she wakes us with her screaming and pleading to leave her baby alone. It breaks our hearts to see her so upset and filled with fear.

I’ve managed to kidnap James and Brindley more than once and brought them to Autumn’s room to hang out with us. Seeing Autumn with the babies is a sight I won’t ever take for granted. She loves them as if they were her own and I know she’ll be an amazing mom to our little one. The only thing we’re not agreeing on when it comes to our baby is finding out the gender. Ghost and I want to know but Autumn doesn’t. She wants to wait until our little one is born. I want to know if we have to load up on guns and ammunition if we’re having a girl. Autumn only laughs when I say that because she doesn’t realize how serious I am. She’ll learn eventually and will know any little girl we have will be my princess and they won’t ever date or be around boys who aren’t born into the club. Her cousins and brothers. Any other boy can keep on walking.

Ghost has been trying to step back and not be as involved when it comes to talks about the baby. Autumn isn’t letting him pull that shit. As far as she’s concerned, the baby is all of ours because she could’ve easily had sex with him while giving me a blow job that day and the baby would biologically be his. At the end of the day, if the three of us are going to be in a relationship, then Ghost will be involved in the baby’s life. So, she’s been pulling him into our talks and making him go to the doctor with us.

We’ve only had one appointment so far and it was interesting to say the least. Doc gave Autumn a full exam and that included doing something in her pussy. I don’t even want to know what the hell that contraption was because it looked painful and Autumn just laid there while Doc was working. We’re going to have another ultrasound done soon because Doc wants to keep Autumn’s mind clear that nothing happened from her mother’s attack. Autumn isn’t comfortable with having anyone else be her doctor so Doc has agreed to deliver the baby and do all the monthly check-ups for us. She’ll be the one Autumn sees from start to finish and it eased some of the worry in her. We don’t want her stressing over anything and have been doing our best to keep her distracted the best we can.

With everything going on, we’ve decided to take a step forward in our relationship. Not that we’re having sex or anything, but Ghost and I are officially claiming Autumn today. The three of us talked about it and Autumn agreed on two conditions. First, she wants to make sure we all want this because we explained that this is for life and not something we can just get out of because we change our minds. Ghost and I told her we’re all in when it comes to this and that we’re not going to change our minds. We’ve all been working so hard on opening up and there is a level of trust being built that wasn’t there even a week ago. Second, Autumn wanted us to understand and realize she’s not ready to have sex with us yet. While I’d love to bury my cock deep in her pussy again, Ghost and I are more than capable of taking care of ourselves. When I go to my room to take a shower, I usually end up getting myself off to images of Autumn. Ghost has told me he’s been the same way and so far we’re dealing with being horny around Autumn that way. Neither one of us will go to anyone else because we are trying to make this work and that would break her.

Autumn doesn’t know what we’ve planned for her today. Everyone else in the club knows about the surprise and we’re hoping it’s a good one for her. There’s so many people Autumn has yet to meet even though she’s heard us talking about them. The only two she can’t meet yet are Jameson and Reagan. They’re with another club and can’t get away to come celebrate with us. They plan on coming to Cedar Bay soon in order to visit with us. However, that doesn’t mean that Zoey isn’t coming today. She’s leaving Jameson, or Savage as he’s now known, home to come meet her cousin. They’ve been talking on the phone a few times a week and Zoey is excited to meet her cousin.

The ol’ ladies have been preparing food for days now and we’ve kept Autumn in her room so that she doesn’t see what’s been going on in the kitchen. She’s even baked some things for the party because she didn’t know that’s what she was doing when she helped Quinn and the kids. It’s been so hard to keep this surprise from her and I can only hope we’re doing the right thing.

Even though we’ve got more than enough room to have a party the size we’re planning at the clubhouse, we’ve decided to have it at the bay. There are actually multiple reasons for us doing this. Goose has discovered that Nolan is heading our way. I’m honestly surprised he’s not here yet. Nolan has been trying to get Janice out of jail and it’s not working for him. He doesn’t even know that Tony knows about the marriage contract and all of the stipulations that have been placed by Janice and Nolan. Tony will also be at the party. While I hate that we’re using Autumn to lure Nolan to us, we all know he’s not as stupid as most believe he is and this is the only way he's gonna show himself because we won’t be within the safety of the gate surrounding the clubhouse.

I’ve made my anger known about the situation because if anything happens to Autumn or our baby, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind. No one will be safe from my wrath. I’ll take down everyone around me and not give a fuck that they’re family. Ghost has made the same statement when we were in church discussing this. If anything goes wrong, I might end up leaving the club because not only are we essentially using Autumn as bait, but all the ol’ ladies and kids will be at the party. If Nolan comes in guns blazing, there’s a chance one of them will be hit and we’ll all lose our fucking minds.

“Babe, Ghost and I are gonna go take showers and head out for a bit. Tank and Ricochet are gonna hang with you while we’re gone. Do you need anythin’ while we’re out?” I ask her as she lays in bed after finishing her breakfast.

The morning sickness is still there, but it’s been slowly getting better every week as her pregnancy progresses. I hate seeing her so damn sick because it takes so much out of her and she can’t eat a lot of food she used to love eating. Or one day she can eat something and the next, she can’t. It’s crazy as hell to watch her go through this shit.

“No. I’m gonna take a nap for a bit and then get ready. I’m really nervous to be meeting so many people today. Especially when most of them know what’s been going on here,” she says, looking up at me while pulling the blankets up higher on her body.

“You’ll be okay, baby. They’re all gonna love you. Our family might not all be blood, but we’re very close and they’ll know you did nothin’ wrong. It was all because I let my own shit get in the way and then Ghost followed my lead. Most everyone here did. It’s why you’ve been welcomed into both clubs and assured you have a spot there if you ever decide to leave Cedar Bay,” I tell her, leaning over and pressing a kiss against her temple.

The only thing we do is kiss her. We don’t take the kiss too far or make her feel as if she has to kiss us. Unless it’s a kiss on her temple, forehead, or the top of her head, Autumn is the one we let initiate any type of deep kiss between us. This entire thing is going to be at her pace and we show her that every day. It’s one of the ways we’ve been building trust between us.

“Okay. I’ll see you in a while. If you need anythin’, call one of us and we’ll come right back,” I tell her before giving her one more kiss against her temple and leaving the room.

Ghost is already waiting for me in the common room. I pass Tank and Ricochet as I leave and let them know her plans to take a nap and then get ready to meet everyone. I’ve also let Tank know she’s worried about meeting everyone. If anyone can get her to calm down, it will be him and Ricochet. Tank assured me he’ll make sure she’s okay and they won’t leave her alone when she sleeps.

After making sure everything is ready to go here, Ghost and I take off and head to the bay. Most of the guys are already there setting everything up and have been for a little while now. We’re essentially taking it over and Tony has even provided the ‘closed’ barriers for us to use so no one else randomly comes in while we’re celebrating today. The only one we hope shows is Nolan. He’s not the type of person to give a fuck about something being closed. He’ll more than likely drive right through those barriers and come right in. Stupid fuck!

It’s been hours since we’ve seen Autumn. She’s been at the clubhouse while we’ve taken care of everything at the bay. We’ve brought down chairs, tables, coolers, grills, and even a stereo system. The Prospects have been doing most of the grunt work, but we’ve been working right alongside them to make sure everything is set up the way we want them. This is completely different from what they do when we party at the clubhouse or have a large cookout. We don’t have to transport everything the way we are today. It’s different and something I don’t think we’ll be doing more than once or twice a year.

Everyone from Clifton Falls and Dander Falls have gotten here and they’re all waiting at the bay for Autumn to show up. It took seconds before the ol’ ladies took over and finished making sure everything was set up in a proper manner. Skylar and Bailey have been doing this shit for so long and every change they made only made what we were doing even better. I think Autumn’s really going to like what we’ve done for today. At least I hope she does.

“You ready to go get Autumn?” Ghost asks me as I finish putting the last of the chairs where Skylar wanted them.

Grim brought down one of those massive canopies and we’ve set that up with the tables and chairs under it so we get some kind of shade. It’s turning out to be really hot and sunny today. Better than the weather said it was gonna be. I’m sure the kids will want to go swimming at one point, but they won’t be able to here. We’ll let them go swimming back at the clubhouse where we know the water is warm and they won’t freeze.

“Yeah. Let’s go get her because the longer we leave her at the clubhouse, the more lost she’ll get in her head. Do you have her rag?” I ask him as we make our way to Ghost’s truck and climb in.

“Yeah. It’s in the back. I brought it out this mornin’ so I wouldn’t forget it. Today’s a big fuckin’ day and I want to make sure it all works out and that Autumn has a great time. She deserves it after the hell of the last few months,” he answers me, his voice fading as nerves take hold of him.

We’re both nervous as fuck about claiming Autumn. This is the rest of our lives we’re talking about and it’s not something I thought I’d ever do. Ghost is nervous because he’s wanted this for a long time and never thought he’d have it. Add in everything we’ve done to hurt Autumn and it’s really shocking this is where we’re at today.

Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot, I see Autumn standing outside with Tank and Ricochet. They’re the last ones here since everyone has made their way down to the bay. Ghost pulls right up to them as Tank leads our girl to the passenger seat. I open my door and climb out so she can take my seat. I’m not about to let her be crushed in the backseat between Tank and Ricochet. I’m actually gonna take my truck to the bay just in case we need a second vehicle for a quick getaway. Venom told me to make sure it’s parked out of the way of everything else and that no one can block me in no matter how everyone is parked.

We make our way back to the bay without telling Autumn where we’re going. It’s not like she’s going to need a lot of time to figure out where we’re going. The bay is literally right down the road from the clubhouse and will only take seconds for her to realize all the bikes and SUVs in the parking lot belong to the members and ol’ ladies of the clubs. I wish I were in the truck with them to hear her when she sees everything that’s been set up today. I’ll see her soon enough though.

After Ghost pulls in and leaves his truck on the very edge of the other vehicles, I park on the opposite side so one of them will be able to get out if something happens. Tony shows up in front of my truck and places more barriers so no one can get close to me. I’m sure Venom arranged it with him and it makes me happy because I’ll run those fuckers over if I have to get out in a hurry. Getting out of my truck, I quickly head over to where Tank is helping Autumn out of Ghost’s truck. The second her feet are on the ground, I pull her close and we head toward Ghost as he grabs the box from Ricochet and we make our way to the canopy where everyone is waiting for us.

Autumn bites her bottom lip as she looks at everyone here. There isn’t a single table that’s not full of people talking and laughing with one another. The only empty table is at the front where we’ll sit. It’s almost like the table a bride, groom, and the wedding party have at a wedding. I have to laugh because that’s not a step any of us have even thought about taking. At least not yet. We still have too much to work through before we get to a place where we can decide if we want to get married or not. Again, it will mainly come down to what Autumn wants.

“Autumn, I’m not even gonna try to introduce you to everyone here. There are way too many people for you to remember today. We’re gonna take our seats and people can come up to you. First, we’re gonna give you the rag we got you and make sure that’s taken care of with everything else we have goin’ on today. Are you ready?” I ask her as we make our way through the crowd and toward our table.