Page 69 of Dragon Untamed

"We only recently figured out that she is also our mate. The bond was there when we first met, but it didn't really show upfully until her dragon emerged. It wasn't that long ago when that happened," the one called Arlo added.

"So, her dragon emerged, and that's how you all discovered you were her mates?"

Beckett shook his head. "No. I felt mine open to her first. I think it was because I was the first one to notice her after she landed here. At least, that is the only thing I can think of as to why. After her dragon emerged, the other three started to feel the tug to her."

"Wrong. I don't feel it," Blaze jumped in.

Enzo noticed that this one seemed bored and didn't want to be there. Enzo lifted an eyebrow at him and then looked at the others.

"Don't ask. He seems to think he can ignore this, and it will all disappear." Beckett waved off Blaze while shaking his head. "But the other two only recently started to pursue her. After our training sessions with her... she doesn't trust them very much and is taking it slow."

Something about that statement had Enzo clenching his jaw.She is taking it slow with the other two... did she not take it slow with Beckett?

"And you did not take it slow?" Enzo questioned Beckett.

Beckett grinned, "No. I saw my fated mate in front of me. There wasn't a damn chance I'd let her slip through my fingers."

Enzo stifled another growl. He took a deep breath before continuing so he could calm down his heartbeat. If he didn't get himself under control, his dragon would take over.

"So, you all are willing to be her mates?"

"Yes," three of them said in unison. The other continued looking around, still acting as if he didn't want to be there.

"How will that work?"

"How the hell should we know? This is our first time in a situation like this. I'm hoping we all can get along and figure thisout, but we are all dragons. I see one or most of us butting heads at some point," Arlo pointed out.

"I agree with that. We only found out a few days ago that this was possible. We all felt the pull to her but just thought we caught feelings and would have to squash them because Beckett got to her first," Esen followed up.

"This seems a little chaotic, but I guess we will figure it out." Enzo was exasperated and rubbed his face with his hands. "Do you know where she could have gone?"

The three of them looked at each other as Blaze walked into the house behind them. Enzo frowned, knowing that Blaze was a possible mate for Kaida. At least the other three were willing to work together to figure things out and protect Kaida. That guy? It looked like he would be happier if Kaida were dead.

"She could be with her friends. They would kill us all in the blink of an eye for Kaida, especially if we did something to upset her, which means we’re probably screwed."

Enzo lifted his eyebrows at Beckett. "Who are these friends?"

The three of them chuckled and made faces as if they didn't want to warn Enzo about them. Kaida had seemed more like a loner when Enzo met her, so hearing that she had these friends who were hardcore protective of her was a surprise.

"I think we should let Enzo know what he will be walking into."

"I don't know. Maybe he needs Remy to punch him in the face. We all know she's going to be the first to lunge." Esen's smile as he spoke stirred Enzo's dragon. The other two laughed and agreed with his statement, which did not help Enzo feel better.

Enzo's uneasiness was not going unnoticed. The three of them smirked at Enzo shifting from foot to foot as he waited for them to explain what they meant.

"Remy is a Lycan. We've heard that she is a Meta Wolf. Which is just as rare as Kaida being a Plasma," Beckett told him.

"And she has a mouth on her. Though she has the fighting skills to back up the mouth, so she can certainly get away with it," Arlo continued.

"Then there is Azulia, an Aether Faerie," Esen recounted. "That girl and her magic is why the island is prospering the way it is now. Her garden feeds most of the island, and her clothing shop is the best place to go. If we didn't rule this place, she would because the entire island is indebted to her."

"Don't forget that she partnered with Adrien," Beckett added.

"Who is Adrien?"

Beckett walked over to a tree and leaned himself on it. "The High Priestess's daughter of the most powerful Witch coven. Her power is ridiculous. I think we all stay on her good side because she could probably wipe us all off the planet if she wanted to."

"Jeez. Is that all of them?"