Page 68 of Dragon Untamed

"Because she is mine! My dragon does not understand that you are her mates, too. He knows that she is his. That's all he understands."

"Well, make him understand that I am not ONLY HIS. I am not going to be fought over like some prize. If those three can agree to share, you can, too."

Enzo looked at Blaze, "Why are you fighting the bond?"

"I will now allow some chick to come between me and my life. I am defending my brothers. That's it. You go after them, and you deal with me."

Kaida snorted. "Yeah, okay. That's why. Meanwhile, you could have walked away and allowed them to deal with this independently."

"Why aren't you rejecting him? He doesn't seem to deserve you at all," Enzo asked while pointing at Blaze with his thumb.

"I won't reject anyone. I won't put them through what you did to me."

Enzo's face grew red once again. "I apologized for that. Like I said. I did not want to reject you!"

"Then why did you, dickhead? You could have accepted her for who she was when you discovered she had no dragon. You didn't. You rejected her and then brought her here. There was no conversation, no understanding. You just dropped her off like an unwanted child."

"Now is not the time to have a dick-measuring contest, Beckett."

"I at least had the balls to mark her when I discovered she was mine. No idea why you passed on that opportunity."

Enzo's head snapped toward Kaida. "He marked you?"

Kaida pulled her hair off her neck and exposed Beckett's mark. She held Enzo's gaze as she felt his power surge around him. The shifting began, and Enzo broke through her shield. Kaida was not sure what he was about to do. Her heart thrummed in her ears as she tried to catch her breath. Enzo's rage filled the space and nearly cut off her air supply.

No. NO! No one will threaten us!

Kaida's dragon pushed the shift and took off once her form was complete. As she left the boys behind, Kaida wondered if things would calm down between them. This is not what she wanted at all.

I just want my happily ever after!

Enzo roared again as he watched Kaida fly off without him. He took a step forward to run after her, but the one Kaida called Beckett put his hand on Enzo's chest. Enzo smacked it away and growled. Beckett seemed unfazed and annoyed at the same time. It was not a normal thing for anyone to brush off Enzo so easily.

"Back off, asshole. I need to go after her."

"No, you need to learn how to respect her. She is not some object you can possess. As a fellow dragon, I understand wanting to horde a precious jewel like a fated mate. However, she is more than that. So, stop it now before I end it."

Enzo growled and straightened his back. He was not keen on having someone speak to him in this way. The only one who ever got away with it was his father, and that was because he was a kingandhis father. He had a right to be that way toward Enzo.

"Who do you think you are to tell your prince to do anything?" Enzo snarled.

Beckett chuckled. "Your title means shit to me right now. Kaida is my mate, and I refuse to allow anyone to causeher harm. That's even a fellow mate. I don't know what your problem is right now, but you need to chill out. I can help with that if you need it."

Enzo growled at the threat, "Oh yeah? How do you think you are going to do that?"

"I'll freeze your ass into a popsicle. Don't fucking try me."

Enzo heard the others chuckle, and he looked over at them. The other three stood behind Beckett and had the stance of fighters loosening themselves up before a fight. Their postures were relaxed, but their hands opened and closed, readying themselves to fling their magic the moment they needed it. Enzo wasn't stupid. He could feel their power accumulate as they stared him down. It surprised Enzo to feel that kind of power coming from Elementals. He was always told that they were weak. Even the strongest of the Elementals were weak. Yet, these four nearly matched his power.

"How am I supposed to calm down when my mate has flown off, and I am being told that I am not her only mate?"

Beckett shrugged. "Simple. Accept the fact that she is special. There's no chance in hell that we will allow you to keep her all to yourself in Dragaal. Kaida isn't going to let you either. If you even think she will let that fly, you have another thing coming. Her dragon is not one to be messed with."

Seeing the other three nodding their heads to that statement made Enzo wonder how involved they were with Kaida. He only noticed one mark on her. If these three were also her mates, why had they not marked her too?

"I see she is only marked by one of you. I assume it's you," Enzo pointed at Beckett.

"Yes, I am the only one who has marked her for now."