When William returns to his milkshake, Parker says, “You don’t have to worry, Josie. Kylie and I are on the same page.”

“I know,” she replies. “And the page is toxic.”

“Okay, Josie, lay off,” I say gently. “We’re doing our best.”

Josie nods. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound rude. Honestly, Parker, you seem like a really great guy, and I’m so glad you took care of Kylie when she got hurt.”

Parker grins. “I told you I’d protect her.”

Josie nudges me. “Your boyfriend is super cute with his little brother, by the way. It’s adorable.”

My hand presses on my chest. “Really?”’

William rolls his eyes, swallowing a mouthful of milkshake. “Ugh. We’re not cute.”

Josie glances at Parker. “It’s a good sign when a guy is good with little kids. I wouldn’t have pegged you for it.”

“Well, he needs someone with him,” Parker says, trying not to blush at the praise. “And Kurtis won’t do it.”

William winces. “If Kurtis has to babysit, we’ll all be dead.”

I laugh. “Wow. Not dramatic at all.”

William taps the milkshake glass. “This is really good. Thanks, Kylie.”

My heart swells. “You’re welcome.”

Parker motions at the glass display by the counter. “You think that’s good. You know all the cakes we get from here? Kylie makes them.”

William’s mouth falls open. “Wow. Youaregood.”

I smile proudly. “Thanks.”

“You have a golden retriever,” William says, bluntly changing the subject back to dogs.

I pull over a chair to stop fidgeting. “Yes, that’s right.”

Willian leans in. “Kurtis told me Parker cried when he saw your dog.”

“Will, what the heck?” Parker yelps.

“When Gus died, Parker felt like it was when his...” William doesn’t end the sentence because Parker slaps a hand over William’s mouth.

Parker retches, removing his hand. “Yuck. You licked my hand, you little monster.”

Parker wipes his palm down the side of William’s face, who flinches and laughs.

“What is going on?” I ask cautiously.

Parker eyes his brother. “Nothing. Right, Will? You’re zipping it.”

William huffs and returns to sucking up the remainder of his milkshake.

Sharing a look with Josie, and feeling tension between the brothers, I promptly decide it’s best not to ask any more questions.

Josie slides her chair back. “Umm, I have to get going.”

“Right, your workshop,” I say, standing with her.