Parker sits back in his chair, smirking as he folds his arms.

William raises his hand. “Umm, Miss Kylie, can I order a cookies and cream milkshake?”

I nod, happy for an excuse to leave the table. “Coming right up.” I clear my throat, and look at Parker. “Anything for you?”

“Make it the same,” Parker says, smiling.

A tingle slithers down my spine, and I hurriedly turn away from the table and move to the counter. Never have I been happier to work the milkshake machine in my life. I let the loud mechanical sounds drown out my thoughts. However, I can’t help peering over my shoulder at the table. Josie’s shoulders jiggle as she watches the brothers interact. She’s not grilling Parker, but it still feels like there’s a warning sign flashing.

I finish making the milkshakes and carry them to the table.

“Yum, thanks,” Parker says, eyes glued to the Oreo flaked, whipped cream topping.

William mumbles, “Thank you,” before hurriedly shoving the straw into his puckered mouth.

“You’re welcome.” I lean in close to Josie and clutch her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“Oh sure,” Josie replies. “I’ve had fun scrutinizing your boyfriend.”

My jaw clenches. “Scrutinizing?”

“You’ve had so many more dates since we were at the smoothie bar,” Josie says. “I’m just making sure he’s still good enough to escort you on further dates.”

“I tried to deflect with the camping trip, but she wasn’t buying it,” Parker says. “Not even when I suggested a setup for her and Tyler.”

I squeeze Josie’s shoulder. “That could be so cute.”

“Umm, excuse me, you know who my heart belongs to,” Josie defends.

“Yeah, a Hollywood star,” Parker jokes.

Josie clicks her tongue. “I knew him before that.”

“So did a bunch of us. Doesn’t mean we hear from him now,” Parker says.

I lift my hand. “Don’t bother, Parker. You’ll never win this argument.”

“I guess I’m not like the two of you. I can’t switch out my crush for someone else.”

Parker’s Adam’s apple bobs and he glances at his brother to check if he caught on. Oblivious, William continues sucking up his milkshake.

Josie narrows her eyes at Parker. “You still have that crush, don’t you?”

Parker also narrows his eyes. “Yes. We still have the same game plan.”

“Are you sure?” she double downs. “Because I wasn’t making a joke when I mentioned how you two look at each other.”

“We’re just really good at this kind of relationship,” I reply, omitting the word ‘fake’ for the sake of William’s ears.

Parker nods, slouching in his seat.

“It’s weird,” Josie says, “but you two seem to be making things work. I just wish this relationship didn’t involve letting this wound fester.”

“When we’re in the right relationship, the wound will be healed,” Parker replies.

William spits out his straw and his lip upturns. “What the heck are you guys talking about?”

“Nothing,” we all reply at once.