Looking for a nanny who isn’t after my money shouldn’t be hard. But keeping her out of my bed is.
I didn’t care too much about other people’s feelings. I can be a jerk and a bully, but I’m smart.
I developed my own fortune 500 company. But I don’t trust women.
So I ask my nanny to play along as my new fiancé to get my ex off my back. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
But seeing her in that red dress and diamond ring takes my breath away. We’re dancing under the stars and I don’t ever want to let her go.
Camdyn’s feelings for me have grown stronger. And the love she shows for my daughter is unmatched.
We go together like the perfect mix of dark chocolate, sea salt and caramel. If she discovers that I’m not as perfect as I pretend to be, I could lose everything.
A mother for my daughter and the love of my life.