Blaze Gracen, a renowned Johns Hopkins professor, gears up for a festive family shindig in sunny San Ramon. However, Mother Nature has other ideas, and a surprise winter storm leaves his flight stranded in not-so-tropical Chicago.
Enter Trisha Easton, a quick-witted New Yorker with a suitcase full of sass and a knack for turning lemons into spiked lemonade. Also stranded in Chicago, she opts for a daring, map-defying drive across the country to San Francisco – because who needs a flight when you've got audacity and a playlist of classic road trip tunes?
Their paths cross at a car rental counter more crowded than a Black Friday sale, leading to a spontaneous decision to travel together. Vowing to keep their pasts as hidden as their luggage in the trunk, they embark on a road trip filled with gut-busting banter and an undeniable sizzle that would thaw even the frostiest winter road.
But as they zigzag through snowy landscapes and quaint towns, Blaze and Trisha's laid-back "let's just be road trip buddies" agreement faces more challenges than a high school final.
This latest installment in the Scottish Billionaire series isn't just a story of unexpected romance but a holiday escapade with the possibility of lasting love. Will their journey end with a simple 'thank you for the memories,' or will the mistletoe work its festive magic?