“You’ve got an incredible talent, London,” Trisha encouraged. “Balancing motherhood and a career must be tough, but you’ve got this.”
London’s face lit up with gratitude. “Thanks, Trisha. And hey, if you’re ever in the area when I’m performing, I insist you come see the show.”
Trisha’s modesty was evident as she hesitated. “I wouldn’t want to impose...”
“Nonsense,” Spencer interjected warmly. “We’d be thrilled to have you. Consider it an open invitation.”
As they continued their conversation, Rome sidled up to me, his curiosity piqued. “So, Blaze, you really just bumped into her at the airport and decided to go on a cross-country road trip? Just like that?”
I nodded, sipping my eggnog. “That’s how it happened.”
Rome’s eyes flicked towards Trisha, a mischievous glint in them. “She’s quite a catch, huh?”
He was more teasing than anything, but I felt a protective surge. “She’s more than just pretty, Rome. She’s got brains and a wicked sense of humor that could put most comedians to shame.”
He held up his hands in mock surrender. “Easy, cousin. I get it. She’s great. You don’t need to sell me on her.”
Just as I was about to comment, Trisha’s voice cut through. “Wait, London. You’re telling me this serious, buttoned-up brother of yours used to dance around in his underwear, lip-syncing boy band songs into his hairbrush during high school?” Trisha’s eyes sparkled with amusement as she regarded me.
I felt my face grow warm. Of all the things for London to reveal...
“Oh yeah, he was quite the entertainer,” London said, clearly enjoying my discomfort. “There’s probably still video evidence somewhere. I’ll have to do some digging when I’m back in New York.”
“Don’t you dare,” I warned, trying to keep my tone light despite my mortification.
“What? It’s adorable,” Trisha teased. “I’d pay good money to see Blaze Gracen rocking out in his briefs.”
“He probably still does it but keeps it to himself,” Rose joined in, unable to resist the chance to tease me. “Once a rockstar, always a rockstar, right?”
“Alright, alright, let’s change the subject,” I pleaded, though I was smiling too. Their playful banter reminded me of old times when we were kids together, well before we’d scattered across the country.
“Sorry, but you brought this on yourself when you decided to drive halfway across the country with a total stranger,” London said. “We need to give Trisha the full Blaze Gracen experience so she knows what she’s gotten herself into.”
“Speaking of which, has he told you about the time he-“ Rose started.
“Okay!” I cut in. “How about we talk about something else now? Preferably not related to my most embarrassing moments?”
The girls laughed, clearly enjoying this rare chance to team up on me. But as mortified as I was, there was something nice about it, too. Having Trisha here, interacting so easily with my family...it just felt right, like she belonged.
As the hour grew late, Spencer and London returned to their room, prompting the rest of us to begin tidying up. My aunt and I assured Trisha she didn’t need to assist us, but she was adamant. I noticed Aunt Theresa’s approving gaze as she thanked Trisha.
Soon, Trisha and I became the last two left downstairs. We were both dusting off crumbs from the floor when we looked up and realized we were standing under a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the archway leading to the living room.
“I guess we have to,” Trisha teased, her voice as warm as the longing in her eyes. “Mistletoe calls for a kiss. Those are the rules.”
“We can’t go breaking the rules,” I replied.
“We might end up on the naughty list if we do.”
I leaned closer, and when my lips were a breath away from hers, I said, “Trust me, with what I was thinking the moment I saw you in that dress, I’m already on the list.”
And then my mouth covered hers, and she was all I knew, along with the taste of cinnamon and chocolate, as my tongue slid into her mouth. Her soft moan sent a rush of arousal through me, and I barely managed to keep from deepening the kiss into something that’d be indecent for the middle of a house full of people upstairs. As I raised my head, I let her see I wasn’t done with her yet.
When she nodded, I took her hand and led her up the stairs and to the guest room that Theresa had prepared for Trisha. I had considered having Trisha stay in my room, but since I’d been telling everyone we weren’t together, it would only raise questions I wasn’t ready to answer.
So she was sleeping apart from me tonight.
I couldn’t bear to leave her at the door. If she asked me in, I’d go. I craved more than just that mistletoe kiss. In fact, since our encounter at the motel, I’d been thinking about how and when I could make love to her again.