Katherine Harris, a small town Southern girl from Georgia, has just landed her dream job – working as the executive assistant to Alex McCall, CEO of McCall Enterprises. The job takes Katherine across the pond to London, England. With a new job and a new country, she couldn’t be more happy or excited. Oh, she’s heard about who she’ll be working for – Alex McCall, big-time skirt chaser – but Katherine knows she’ll remain focused on her job and keep her head on straight. At least, that’s her plan. But sometimes even the best laid plans go awry……
Alex McCall is the founder and CEO of McCall Enterprises, a world-wide luxury hotel empire. British, billionaire, and a bad-boy, Alex is used to getting what and who he wants. Katherine intrigues Alex, her warmth and kindness, her girl-next-door Southern beauty beckons him, and he can’t resist.
But, Alex McCall is a man with a past – a dangerous, secretive past. A past that he’s tried desperately to put behind him.
But sometimes, the past has a way of catching up with the present.
Will Alex’s dark past ruin any chance of a future with Katherine?