Page 50 of Mr. London

rice, returning his smile, said, “A good woman will do that to a man.”

And with that, Caprice said goodbye to Alex McCall, slipped on her dark black Gucci shades, and walked out of the pub, ready to board the next flight to Naples. Caprice hoped to never lay foot in London again.

After Caprice left, Alex sat in the pub awhile longer, thinking. He ordered a whisky, his mind analyzing the situation, fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. Sergio Rossi was the son of a big-time Mafia boss. Sergio himself became head of the Mafia, just like dear old dad. Sergio had been in London last week. Sergio had said his name, Alex’s name, moments before his death. There could be only one reason Sergio was in London - to kill him. To avenge his father’s death. But who killed Sergio Rossi, and why? That was the question that was racking Alex’s brain.

Alex thought back to the night he killed Sergio’s father, Vincent Rossi. He remembered everything, every detail of that night. He closed his eyes, the memories rushing back to him. He remembered feeling so calm when he pulled the trigger. He could still see Vincent Rossi falling dead to the ground, his back covered in blood. And the fear - Alex recalled the fear and horror in Nick Stone’s eyes, his old partner at MI-5.

That fear never left Nick’s eyes. Alex remembered the months afterwards. The fear grew and grew in Nick, like a cancer eating him from the inside out. Alex could still feel the heartbreak of seeing Nick in the psychiatric hospital, drugged to the gills, a shell of the man he once was.

Alex sat at the table, sipping his whisky, his mind on Nick Stone. He never knew what happened to Nick. Alex’s own life spiraled out of control shortly after, with the death of Michelle. A few years later, Alex took off, drifting from place to place, country to country, desperately trying to escape his own demons.

Alex would need to find Nick Stone. He was the only other person directly involved in the Vincent Rossi case. Alex finished his drink, and walked outside to the hustle and bustle of the city. He would call his old associate, Fred Langley. Fred was head of what was nicknamed the Tag and Track Unit at MI-5. Officially it was called FO-6, Former Operatives Unit #6, which tracked and monitored former MI-5 operatives. Supposedly, the unit was interested in former operatives’ welfare, but really it was about making sure no former employees went haywire and caused trouble for MI-5. Hopefully, Fred would know Nick’s whereabouts.

Alex walked along the sidewalk, with no particular destination in mind. Alex resolved to figure all of this out. He had to, he told himself. What kind of future would he and Katherine have if he didn’t get to the bottom of it? He would find Sergio Rossi’s killer and, once and for all, put his past behind him.

Alex walked home, deciding it would be best to make this call in the total privacy of his own home. Alex sat down in his study and pulled out his phone. He dialed Fred Langley’s direct number.

“Fred Langley,” the voice on the other end of the line said.

“Fred, its Alex. Alex McCall. I know it’s been awhile, but -”

“Alex McCall! Holy shit! I can’t believe it’s you!” Fred burst out, unable to believe what he was hearing. Fred always thought Alex was one of the best field operatives MI-5 ever had.

“Hello, Fred. Yeah, it’s really me. How are you?” Alex asked.

“I’m okay. The wife and kids are all doing well. And you? How’s the hotel business?”

Alex chuckled. “Not too bad, not too bad. Listen, Fred, I need to ask you a favor. Can you look up someone for me? It’s important.”

Fred stalled. “Well, you know…….I’m not really supposed to release any information about former employees to anyone outside of the agency.”

“I know, and I wouldn’t ask you do to this unless it was really important. Can you help me out?”

“Alright, Alex. But, I’m only doing this because it’s you,” Fred said, relenting. “Who is it?”

“Nick Stone.”

“Okay, let’s see what we’ve got here,” Fred said, clicking on his keyboard. A moment of silence, then, “Oh yeah, I remember that bloke. Got sent off to the nut house. Okay, Alex. Looks like Nick Stone is still at Sacred Light Hospital, Psychiatric Unit.”

Alex frowned. Nick was still there? Shit. The guy was worse off than Alex had realized. “You sure?” Alex questioned.

“That’s what the computer says,” Fred replied.

Alex looked up the phone number and address of Sacred Light Hospital. “Thanks, Fred. I appreciate your help.”

“Hey, no problem. Good to hear from you. Take care.”

Alex called Sandra at the office and told her he would be out for the rest of the day. He then sent Katherine a text: Will be out today, but let’s meet for dinner. Call you later.

An hour later, Alex arrives to the hospital, about an hour outside of London. It looked exactly the same as when Alex had been here all those years ago visiting Nick. It was hard to believe Nick was still here.

If he wasn’t already crazy going in, he sure as hell will be coming out. If he ever gets out, thought Alex.

Alex walked to the front lobby, an overweight receptionist with chubby cheeks was sitting there. She smiled when she saw Alex – she didn’t see many handsome men like Alex coming in through the front door.

“Hello. May I help you?” asked the receptionist, beaming at Alex.

“Hello. I’m here to visit a patient. Nick Stone.”