Page 74 of Branded

“Please tell me innocent people weren’t hurt during the rescue.” I was probably fired for all the trouble I caused, and I didn’t care after what had happened with Jake. There were other museums in the world… and in South Dakota. I’d find another job.

“The only ones injured were Jake’s guards,” the big man with a gnarly beard said. “I’m Mack, by the way.”

“I remember you carrying me. You were wearing a skull mask.”

“That’s right.”

“How did we get through LAX without noticing? It would be impossible with thousands of people around.”

Mack chuckled, and I had to admit he had a comforting laugh. “Sounds like you’re gonna be fine. We’re in Burbank in a private plane, so we didn’t have to go through security. We’re taxing out now. You’ll need to end the call soon.”

Sure.” I nodded. “Cade, are you still there?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I heard Mack. There’s something I need to tell you before you arrive.”


“Your mom had a mild heart attack earlier today. She’s okay, so I don’t want you to freak out.”

“Oh, my God.” I was about to freak out as tears ran down my face. “My mom is in the hospital?”

“She’s going to be okay. I promise she’s going to be just fine.”

I literally felt like I was about to lose my mind. Why was all this happening to me? I’d been drugged and assaulted. Jake had threatened the ones I loved most. He’d gone out of his mind. And now my mother was in the hospital.

“Shelby? You there, darlin’?”

“Yeah, I’m here.” And a toxic mix of emotions was running rampant inside me: anger, fear, sadness, and relief.

“Don’t worry, Honeybee. Travis was there when it happened. I’ll take you to see her when you get here, and we can get your hand looked at.”

Jeez, I’d forgotten about cutting myself. “It’s already been cleaned and bandaged.”

“A doctor should check it out just the same.” Cade was the guy who always wanted a second opinion. With me, he never risked my safety. I wished I could reach through the phone and burrow against his chest and stay there forever. “And you need stitches.”

I flicked my gaze at Martina, and she nodded.

“Okay. I guess I’ll see you soon.” What would he say when I told him everything Jake had been up to, and might come after him and my family? That it was my billionaire fiancé who’d started the fires and tore down his fencing? He might hate me.

“Sweetheart, are you okay?”


“Are you lying to me?”

“Mhm.” I swiped my tears away.

“Shit. I’d do anything to be with you now.”

“Really?” I asked in a hopeful voice. “You might think differently after I fill you in.”

“Never, Shelby. The only place I’ve ever wanted to be is with you. Nothing you say will change that.”

“Well, if you change your mind, I’ll understand.”

“Stop it,” he told me firmly. “Martina, you better take care of my girl.”

My girl…I loved it when he called me that.