Page 75 of Branded

“Yes, sir.” Martina saluted, although he couldn’t see her sass.

“I can’t wait to see you, Honeybee.”

“Me too.”

“Times up, lovebirds. Say good-bye.”

“Bye,” we said at the same time, then Mack took the phone and ended the conversation.

It was then I noticed my engagement ring was missing. And my other jewelry. And shoes. “Uh, guys? Where’s my ring and shoes?”

Martina and Mack shot a look at each other.

My best friend took my hand. “We had to check you over for trackers before we left the parking lot at the museum.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Mack moved up to the front of the plane.

“Jake planted trackers in your shoes and ring.” She grimaced and rubbed the top of my hand. “Mack instructed me on what to look for and where. I had to check under your clothes, sweetie. I saw the bite marks.”

“No, no, no.” I covered my face and cried. Nobody was ever supposed to know what Jake had done to me. How could I look her in the face? She’d never forget the marks, and neither would I. They’d been seared on my memory and soul.

Martina hugged me. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She whispered into my ear.

“Because it’s humiliating and I’m ashamed.”

“That’s crazy talk. Just wait until Cade finds out.”

“He can’t find out.” I pulled back. “Please, Martina. You can’t tell him.”

“Come on, Shelby. Cade needs to know how that fucker hurt you. God only knows what all he did to you. Is that why you tried to end your life?”

“Yes.” The word flew out of my mouth unbidden.

Martina’s eyes bulged.

“I mean, no. It was an accident. I was lost in my thoughts, and it just happened.”

“Too late. You won’t convince me now after you admitted it. The cut is too close to your wrist. What else did he do to you?”

“I can’t do this now.” I turned away from her and cried in my hands.

Eventually, I’d tell Martina. She’d be patient and wait until I was ready. Cade would be persistent and I wouldn’t be able to hide anything from him. I couldn’t lie to him, especially if we were face to face. He’d know I wasn’t telling the truth.

At least I had several hours to myself before we arrived in South Dakota. I needed to trust everything would be okay now that I was away from Jake. Cade would protect no matter the cost, and it gave me great comfort knowing that.



“Shelby!” I roared like a pissed off beast and punched the seat in front of me. “How in the fuck did this happen? They were supposed to guard her! Protect her with their lives.”

“A couplearedead.” My driver seethed and his knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. He was driving east on Interstate 10 to my safe house in Prescott, Arizona. “My cousin is dead!”

I felt a little bad about his cousin, but they knew the dangers when I hired them. “We should go back and search for Shelby. Maybe she was hiding in a closet or under a desk.”

“They searched every inch of the museum.”