Page 68 of Branded

“Tell me what’s going on.”

“She’s engaged to Jake, but Martina says it’s more than that. He’s watching her every move and has guards at the museum.”

I stared at her, speechless.

“Do you hear me? He’s gone crazy and she could be dead!”

A loud thump came from behind her.

Olivia whirled around. “Mom!”

Travis rushed over. “Get Diesel. Tell him to bring my medical bag!”

Chaos bubbled around me, but all I could think of was Shelby being engaged to Jake. Liv’s words tumbled in my head, but onlydeadstood out to me:dead, dead, dead.

I dialed Shelby, and the call went directly to voicemail. “Fuck!”

I turned around to check on Debra and found Travis doing chest compressions. Olivia was on her knees, crying. I couldn’t do a damn thing and felt helpless. Shelby’s mom had collapsed, and she wasn’t here.

The world felt like it was spinning out of control. All I could do was pace and worry about Shelby’s safety and that her mom wouldn’t die on the floor of a bar.

“What happened to Shelby?” Storm asked, gripping my bicep and pulling me away from the scene. “Look at me. Focus.”

“Olivia says she’s in danger. That she could be dead.”

“How does she know this?”

“Martina told her.”

“And who is Martina?” Storm asked in a tight voice, blocking my view of Debra.

“Shelby’s best friend.”

“Do you have her number?”

I stared at him like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Tomcat? Are you listening to me? Do you have Martina’s number?”

“No.” I grabbed my head between my hands. “What do I do?”

Storm went over to Liv, crouched beside her. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he returned with her phone.

“Don’t go anywhere,” he told me, and waved Hollywood over. “Keep him here.”

“Yeah, boss.”

Travis and Diesel put Debra on a gurney and rushed her out of the room. Liv went with them.

“It’s going to be okay.” Hollywood patted my back.

“How do you know?”

“I don’t. But positive vibes are better than negative ones.”

“Drink this.” Graves handed me a shot of whiskey.

I tossed it back, and he refilled it. I drank it down, relaxing a bit as my chest heated.