Page 69 of Branded

“Okay. We need to act fast,” Storm said. “I have connections with the Jagged Lords MC in SoCal. I’ll call Mack Bay to get Shelby and fly her home.”

“I need to be there.”

“It will take five hours to fly there. She needs to be rescued now.” Storm’s jaw twitched. “We can’t waste a second. Mack will protect her.”

“What did Martina tell you?” My stomach tightened, fearing the worst.

“She has a bruise near her eye. She told Martina she’d tripped and hit the counter.”

I seethed, rolling my hands into fists.

“Martina said two more guards arrived today. But no Jake.”

“The motherfucker is probably hiding because he assaulted her! I will kill him for touching my woman!”

“Good. Hold on to that rage.”

“Any chance he’s the one behind the mayhem in Burntwood?”

I cut my gaze at Graves. “I can’t believe I never considered him.”

“Okay. We got something to go on now. I’ll call Mack, then Grizzly.” Storm put his phone to his ear. “Mack, I need your help…”

“She has to be okay.” I released my prayer into the ozone not caring who heard.

“Sheisokay. She’s working and Mack’s crew will get her,” Graves replied.

“Yeah. Working in a public museum is the best possible scenario. The boyfriend can’t lock it down, but if Mack doesn’tget her before she goes home, that’s a whole other kind of situation.”

I glared at Hollywood. “He’s not her boyfriend. She’s mine.”

“My bad.” He raised his hands and stepped away.

Once I had Shelby in my possession, I would never let her go again.



No amount of sun and sushi would ever brighten my days again. I was a prisoner in the dream life I had created, unable to flee and go home where I desperately wanted to be.

I was engaged—not by choice—to a psychotic sociopath.

Forced to stay with the monster to protect my one true love.

And I hated myself for breaking Cade’s heart all those years ago. If I could rewind time, go back to the moment when I begged him to promise he’d let me go, I would keep my stupid mouth shut. Those damming words would never leave my lips.

Going home to Burntwood and seeing Cade had shown me what I’d been missing. It was so easy to get lost in day-to-day living and the rush of having a billionaire boyfriend. The world had been at my fingertips, but it had all been a lie. I had been naïve and trusting, so blind I hadn’t seen what was right in front of me.

I would pay the price for the rest of my life, never getting the chance to right my wrongs with Cade.

You sound like you’ve given up, Shelby.

I have.

Jake would allow me to go to work so long as I did as I was told. If I gave myself to him willingly, whenever he desired, like this morning, he would leave Burntwood and Cade alone.

How could I not protect my hometown and my love? I had no choice but to bend to his will.