“A simple yes or no would suffice. I mean, I’ve only been talking about it since last Halloween, when you ditched me to go to a fancy masquerade ball with Jake. You promised you’d do the zombie pub crawl with me this year.”
“I’m a horrible friend.” I reclined in my chair and eyed my desk phone. “I’m also a terrible ex-girlfriend.”
“What are you talking about? You’re not horrible or terrible.”
“I’ve let you down so much the past two years. And I broke Cade’s heart. I’m the worst person on the planet.” A tear streaked down my cheek. I didn’t bother to wipe it away or try to hide my regret. God, I had so many regrets.
“Shelby, has something happened?”
“Yes. No. Maybe.” The floodgates burst open. “I don’t know anything anymore.”
“Oh, Jesus. What has Jake done?”
I turned her question over in my head, once, twice, thrice. “Nothing. He’s done nothing.” I was coming apart at the seams and I needed to get a grip. My office had hidden cameras, so he’d told me. If I said anything negative about Jake, he’d make good on his threats.
“You’re lying to me. I know when you’re lying.”
“Please stop. There’s nothing going on, other than…” I raised my left hand to reveal the engagement ring.
Martina jumped to her feet. “What the fuck is that?”
“An engagement ring, silly.”
“You and Jake?”
“Mhm. Isn’t it beautiful?” It was actually stunning, but I despised it as I did Jake for what it meant. That I would never be with Cade again.
“Are you high on crack? There is no possible way you would willingly marry Jake after reconnecting with Cade. You love Cade.”
“I’m marrying Jake! If you can’t be happy for us, then maybe…”
“Maybe what, Shelby?” Martina’s dark eyes shimmered with unshed tears.
“Just try to be happy for us. Please try.” If I lost her too, I would go insane.
We stared at each other for a long, painful minute. Martina was my best friend and knew me better than anyone, except for maybe Cade.
“Okay,” she said in just above a whisper. “I’ll try to be happy for you.”
“Thank you.” I covered my face with my hands, finally able to breathe again, and cried as snippets of last night replayed in my head…
“If you try to leave, I will hunt you down, Shelby.” His grip around my biceps tightened as he held me against the wall. “I know you talked to him. I know you talk about him. I know everything you say and do.”
How did he know all this?
“Please, Jake. You’re hurting me.” I tried to pull out of his grasp, but the more I struggled, the harder he squeezed.
“You know I’m powerful Shelby. I have connections, and I know where your family lives. I know where your cowboy lives. Don’t think for a second I won’t do anything to keep you.” He emphasized the word anything and it was like I’d finally seen the real Jake Phillips.
My stomach churned, and the first tear fell.
“What’s crazy is, we were happy before we went to Burntwood.” He caressed my cheek. “We were living the perfect life together, then you had to go fuck it up!” He grabbed my face and his nails dug into my skin.
I tried not to cry. I didn’t want him to see my fear, but the terror clawing at my soul was frantic and raw.
“You’ve turned into a horrible, terrible girlfriend. But I’m willing to give you a second chance.” He let me go and retrieved my glass of wine. The same glass I saw him put something in. That was what started his tirade when I asked if he was trying to drug me.
All week I’d felt off. Like I couldn’t remember going to bed and I’d wake up disoriented and with a headache. When I called him out on it, and said I was going to Martina’s, he went nuts.