Page 63 of Branded

“Fine by me. When my crew arrives at your ranch, put them to work,” he shouted.

I gave him a thumbs up and left.

My nerves were shot, hence my dickish attitude with Graves. I didn’t give two fucks what he thought of me. I’d been dying to check in with Shelby to see if she had any news for me. Primarily that she’d ended it with the billionaire.

It was after six in California, and Shelby didn’t want me to call unless she was working. I dialed her number anyway, hoping to catch her before she got home. I couldn’t go another day without talking to her.

As I listened to it ring, my grip on the steering wheel tightened. I had a feeling she wouldn’t answer, and it aggravated me when I was sent to voicemail.

I ended the call and threw my device on the passenger seat.

Leaving messages wasn’t my way. I would just have to try her again tomorrow morning.



My hands shook as I watched Cade’s number appear on my screen. Every cell in my body urged me to answer it and tell him I was in danger. The longer it rang, the more desperate I became.

I picked it up, held my trembling finger above my phone, so close to swiping across to answer it. But I couldn’t…

Answer it!

And then it stopped ringing, and he was gone.

I shoved my fist against my heart and silently begged him to leave me a message so I could hear his voice one last time. Then I prayed he wouldn’t because my calls were being monitored.

Seconds ticked by… No voicemail. I was both heartbroken and relieved all at once.

So much had changed since I spoke to Cade last weekend.

Actually, it all happened last night. My entire world had imploded, sort of like the mayhem in Burntwood. Fires were wreaking havoc and area farms were losing livestock, including Cade’s ranch. While he’d been working day and night, volunteering to fight the blazes popping up around town and protecting his herd, I’d been fighting my own battles—and losing.

I wished I could be by Cade’s side and help, but also, I needed to see for myself that he was okay. The only information I’d gotten was from my sister, which hadn’t been much.

Today was the sixth day, and I was going crazy with worry. If I did everything Jake demanded, the affront against my hometown would stop.

I tapped my nails on my desk, eyeing the massive diamond Jake forced me to wear—my life sentence. I swallowed thickly and blinked back tears.

The weekend was upon us, and Jake would arrive shortly to escort me home. If I cooperated, I could continue working at the museum and nothing would change after we were married.

Of course, everything would change because I didn’t want to marry Jake. I loathed him. But I had no choice.

“Are you doing the pub crawl with me tomorrow night?”

I stopped tapping my nails, schooled my emotions, and lifted my gaze to my open office door. “Oh. Hey, Martina.”

She sauntered in and dropped into the chair in front of my desk. Her black and white Jack Skellington shirt stole my attention. Halloween was in six days, and it was her favorite holiday. The entire month of October, she wore something ghoulish. Today was her adorable blouse, but really, it was Martina that made the shirt adorable.

I envied her tan skin, black hair, and plum-colored lips. Envied her uncomplicated life. Envied her freedom to do as she pleased. Why couldn’t I be more like her?

“Earth to Shelby.” She snapped her fingers to get my attention.

“Huh?” I studied my short, boring nails, then glanced at Martina’s freshly manicured ones. Quickly, I hid my hand from sight. She didn’t know I was engaged. I’d taken the ring off once Jake had left this morning. He’d expect to see it on me when he arrived, so I’d just put it back on.

“Are you going with me?”

I shrugged and twisted my lips. “I don’t know.”