Page 40 of Branded

The worst part of falling in a pile of manure wasn’t the shit part, it was having an audience. Lance and Boone had been there. If they had made any wisecracks, or so much as snorted, I’d hogtie the cousins together, and the only way I’d free them was if they kissed—and tongued.

But I hadn’t heard a peep out of them behind me. Seemed they might be smarter than I thought.

Thankfully, Lance knew better. Teasing me wouldn’t have ended well for him. He’d been my farmhand for over ten years. He’d become more than the help—he was family. His cousin Boone had moved up from Texas a few years ago, and I’d taken him on while I’d been in the MC, raising hell and avoiding Burntwood.

I turned on the water at the steel utility sink and glared at myself in the cracked mirror above it.

It washerfault I nearly got a mouthful of shit.

Herfault I nearly murdered a man last night.

Herfault I beat my meat multiple times.

Herfault I had a splitting headache.

And in a few hours, I’d see her again, looking all gorgeous and seductive… with her fucking billionaire boyfriend by her side. Shelby had matured and blossomed into a beautiful woman. To see her with another man made me want to slit his throat and lock her away in my cabin.

Fuck! I hated that prick.

When the water was just right, I dunked my head under the faucet to help wash away the drunkenness. I lathered my hands with the bar of soap and scrubbed the manure off my face.

Just as I lifted my face out of the water, someone gripped the back of my neck and held me in place. I struggled and thrashed, choking on the water, and hitting my head on the fucking facet.

“Don’t you ever call my woman for a booty call! I will gut you like a fish, motherfucker!”

Jake? It couldn’t have been him. He didn’t look strong enough to overpower me. I kicked my leg behind me like a bucking bronco and knocked my attacker back. Instinctively, I reached for my gun, but didn’t have it on me.

“Oh my God, are you insane?”

Registering Ella’s voice, I spun around.

She rushed over with little Brody in her arms and Rockson by her side. “I swear, Rocky. When we get home, you’re on the couch.”

I blinked at them as I gasped for oxygen. “What are you all doing here?”

Rocky got to his feet and rubbed his thigh. “Your phone call last night, idiot.” He pointed at me. “Don’t ever call my wife for a booty call again. You get me?”

“Uncle Tomcat!” Rockson ran to me and stopped hard when he saw the crap on my clothes. “Ewe, you stink?” He pinched his nose.

“How ya doing, little man?” I rubbed the top of his head.

“Good. Why’d you kick my dad?”

“I was just playing with him.” I winked. “What call?” I directed my question at Ella.

She handed the baby to Rocky and came over to me. Her green eyes were filled with concern. “Follow me, and I’ll tell you.”

“But keep your hands and other parts off her!” Rocky shouted as we went outside the barn.

“You know he gets jealous easily, but don’t worry, he also knows I’m completely and totally devoted to him. But your call was pretty crude last night. What had made you drunk dial me?”

I dragged my hands down the sides of my wet face. “Shit, Ella. I’m so sorry.”

“What’s going on? You kept calling me Shelby. Has something happened?”

“Oh, yeah. Something happened all right. She’s in Burntwood and brought her billionaire boyfriend with her.”

Ella grimaced. “Ouch.”