Page 41 of Branded

“He’s a prick and doesn’t deserve her. He treats her like a possession. What he needs is a lesson in how to respect women and an ass kicking.”

“And you’re just the man to do it.”

“Ya got that right.” I set my hands on my hips. “So, why’d you come and bring the family?”

“You asked me to come to the party and be your plus one. I just thought it was gibberish but figured I should make sure you’re okay. Of course, Rocky had to come too.”

“Can’t say I blame him. I wouldn’t let Shelby out of my sight if she were mine again.”

“Seeing her has dug up the past, huh?”

“It was awful. I knew she was coming. It’s her folks’ fortieth wedding anniversary. Guess I hoped we might reconnect.” What a fucking fool I’d been to think she’d still be single. “Her sister should’ve told me she had a boyfriend and was bringing him.”

“Well, we’re here, so why don’t we go with you to the party? I’m worried if you go alone, you’ll hit the whiskey hard again and do something you’ll regret. Something that might get you twenty to life.”

“It was tequila, and I’m never touching the shit again.” I chuckled to make light of the situation. “And you know, I still have MC connections. Storm and his crew would clean up my mess.”

She shook her head and laughed. “Whatever. But we’re staying just to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’d give you a big bear hug if I wasn’t covered in shit.”

“My old man is watching you like a hawk. Best to keep your hands off me.” She winked and patted my shoulder.

I nodded as we went over to Rocky and the boys.

During my time in the Hells Bells MC, Ella and I had become lovers. Rocky had been the love of her life and she was pregnant with his son when he disappeared after the Knight’s Legion MC had attacked the club’s bar. Not long after the mayhem and restructure, I joined the club. Rockson was just a toddler, and Ella had been a club girl. We’d both had our hearts ripped from our chests and had formed an attachment.

As sweet and pretty as Ella was, I would’ve never claimed her. I would’ve never gotten serious with anyone because it wouldn’t have been fair to them. Shelby would always be the only woman I loved. It was physically impossible for me to be with anyone permanently. Unlike Shelby, who had moved on.

But after Rocky returned and Ella found out he’d lost his memory because of a brain tumor, and a bunch of other insanityhad kept him away, they reunited. I was happy for them, especially Ella. At least one of us could have a second chance with our first love.

“Sorry about the crude call, man.” I jerked my chin at Rocky.

“I just gotta say, you have a fucking filthy mouth.” He bounced as he held Brody.

“Rocky, we talked about this on the drive. He loves Shelby and was in a bad way.”

“Well, he needs to deal better.”

“He’s right. I need to let her go once and for all.” I tugged on my smelly tee. “Y’all make yourself comfortable inside. I’m gonna shower.” I stalked toward my cabin and ripped my shirt off.

“Done for the day, boss?” Lance asked.

“Yeah. You’re in charge now.”

“Hear that, cuz? I’m in charge,” he told Boone, and I chuckled.

Already, I felt better knowing Ella and her family were here. I wouldn’t be alone at the party. Sure, I would’ve had my friends there. But it wouldn’t have been the same.

Ella would keep me sober and in control of my emotions, especially with Rockson and Brody present. I’d never go off the rails in front of the children.

Today would mark the day that I finally let Shelby go.

And I couldn’t fucking breathe.

The day had warmed up. Not a cloud in the sky for the Smithfield’s anniversary. I relished the quiet and warmth as I rode my Harley down the road.

I kept my speed down, because I wasn’t in a hurry to get to Shelby’s. They were holding the event on their property, and my mom and dad had been there smoking brisket and ribs since breakfast. And now they expected me to grill the chicken.