“Thank you all for coming. I know you’re tired after the week we’ve had. So am I. I miss my kids and my bed. But until our town is safe, we will keep persevering and we won’t stop until I give the all-clear.”
Several grunts echoed from behind me.
Madden waved Graves over. “This is Graves, the president of the Saint’s Outlaws MC. Now before y’all get your panties in a twist, his club isn’t here to cause trouble. In fact, they’re going to help protect Burntwood.”
I took in the room with my arms crossed, making eye contact with several to show my approval of the MC. I understood the fears many had, which was why I’d texted Storm to alert him of my concerns, and to ask for help. He was bringing a crew and said his dad was doing the same. Their presence should calm local folks and scare off the fuckers trying to destroy our community.
“Now. I have a sign-up sheet floating around the room,” Madden said. “Please, only pick up one shift. I know many of you will work until you are bone tired, but I don’t want that. If we all come together to defend and protect our town, no man should need to pull multiple shifts. Understand?”
More grunts and some yeses filled the room.
“Good.” Madden turned toward me. “Got anything you want to say?”
“Yeah.” I cleared my dry throat. “I want to thank those of you who helped search for my missing cattle. Unfortunately, several were found slaughtered in the hills.” I swallowed thickly.
“Goddamn, Cade,” old man Clark blurted. Rage and disgust were etched into his weathered face. His farm had been hit as well and lost several pigs and sheep.
“And eight are still unaccounted for. If you see anyone poking around or acting suspicious who isn’t a resident, please call me. I will not tolerate this shit. If I see anyone fucking with our farmers, I’m shooting first and asking questions after.” I cut my gaze at the sheriff sitting in the corner. “Nobody fucks with what’s mine.”
The room grew louder, and Madden raised his hand to quiet angry folks. “Thank you, Cade.” He shook his head, not happy with me riling people up. “One last thing. The mayor’s office is doing their own investigation. So if you have any information, call them.”
“Kincaid’s just talking out his ass as always,” someone in the back hollered. “He doesn’t care about Burntwood!”
“Oh, yeah? Where is Mayor Kincaid? Why didn’t he attend the meeting?” a local farmer asked.
“I’m not engaging in your political wars,” Madden shouted. “You don’t like who’s in the mayor’s seat. Vote him out during the next election.”
I finished my beer, ready to get back to my ranch to call Shelby. I’d sent her a text days ago to tell her what was going on and she’d said to call when I had a chance. That chance was this evening.
Travis reached for my empty bottle. “Heading out?”
“Rest up, man. Hopefully, we all get a full night’s sleep.”
“Will do.” I raised my hand as I made my way out.
“Tomcat,” Graves called, following me outside.
What did he want now? I stopped on the sidewalk.
“Just wanted to tell you, my club has your back. If there’s anything you need, just let me know.”
“Yeah, and then what will I owe you?” I cocked my head. My exhaustion from all the shit going on made me a dick. But I didn’t truly know Graves intentions and had done a little digging. “Nothing is free. I know it. And you know it.”
“Listen, I just want a safe place for my kid to grow up.”
“Does that mean your club won’t poison Burntwood? I heard you deal in skin and drugs.” Human trafficking would not be tolerated in my town. But David Knight also wasn’t the cream of the crop, so I shouldn’t be shocked that he’d let a shady MC into South Dakota.
Then again, the Hells Bells MC crew hadn’t been a bunch of choirboys either. David had given his blessing to Keg to set up his MC in the state because Rocky was David’s son, yet nobody had known about the connection.
“Who’s your source?” His jaw twitched. “Drugs, yes, but not trafficking. In fact, we rescue victims.”
I hiked my brow. “Is that right? And David will confirm your claim?”
“Yes, he will. You’re a real asshole,” he spat.
“A tired asshole who isn’t in the mood to be fucked over again. I don’t know you from Adam. Trust is earned. Stay on the up and up and we’ll be fine.” I stalked toward my truck.