Page 61 of Branded

“Want me to stop pouring my heart out to you?”

“No. Never stop.”

“I can’t wait to see you.”

“Me too.”

“Don’t think I can wait a whole month.”

“Me either.”

Hours after the call ended with Cade, a feeling of peace came over me.

How could I be so blind all these years?

Cade had been everything I needed and wanted, but I’d been bullheaded. Living in California wasn’t the be-all and end-all—it was Cade.



The past five days had been hell on earth. Something seen on those shows about firefighters in Chicago or LA that Travis and Diesel liked to poke fun at. Over the top shit like massive chaos, injuries, and no suspect to detain to make it all stop.

I wished to hell it had all been the worst nightmare of my life, but it hadn’t been.

An arsonist had targeted our peaceful town, igniting panic and mayhem on every side of town. The fire department had been stretched thin, so Lance, Boone and I volunteered to help.

Meanwhile, the fencing on the northside of my property had been torn down and no one had noticed yesterday.

I swear I would kill the person fucking with my ranch and Burntwood.

Captain Madden had called a town meeting, so I was dragging my weary ass over to Hotshots. I had to admit it pleased me to see Graves’ hog parked out front, along with several others. I hadn’t heard a word about them since last month. Just too damn busy and preoccupied with thoughts of Shelby, but Storm had notified me about the Saints purchasing a vacant warehouse on the outskirts of Burntwood for their clubhouse.

I made my way into the bar, tipped my hat at Graves and the others. A beer and a furious Travis waited for me.

“Thanks.” I retrieved my brew and guzzled it.

“What’s the status of your missing cattle?”

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as rage boiled in my belly. “We found three heifers and their calves slaughtered.”

“Jesus, fuck.” Travis stepped back and grabbed his head between his hands. I appreciated his reaction. Messing with one’s livestock was a big fucking deal in rural areas. “No idea who did it?”

“No. But I’ll find them and gut their innards the way they did my cattle.”


“Tomcat.” Graves stepped up beside me. I hadn’t told him to call me Cade. Felt using my road name might gain me a higher level of respect. “Just heard about the turmoil on your ranch. I’ll send some of my crew out to patrol again.”

“I appreciate it. Seems someone is trying to send us a message.”

“Any idea who?”

“Nope. The fires have been random. Other farms have been targeted.”

“We’re not going anywhere until the vandals are caught and dealt with.” He issued me a sharp nod.

Madden approached, put his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud wolf whistle to get everyone’s attention. The room of locals quieted instantly.