Page 17 of Rett

“No telling. They may have been so focused on ending the girl they didn’t even bother to look. Or maybe it wasn’t about you at all. Maybe all this is really about that girl, and you were an afterthought,” said Baptiste. He shook his head, grabbing his grandson and hugging him.

“Listen to me. We’ve all done something stupid in our youth. I did a lot of things stupid in my youth. You were smart in wearing the condoms, taking your clothes, and grabbing the condoms when you left. We’re going to prove that you had nothing to do with that woman’s death.”

“I sure hope so because I think I’m falling in love with Casey,” he smirked at the others. Then, a pain-filled expression covered his face as he shook his head. “This can’t happen now. I can’t do this to her.”

“Listen to me,” said Luke. “You are innocent, and we’re going to make sure we prove it. You need to stay on-property, Rett. No matter what, do not leave. We still have the three amigos out there trying to track down Casey, no doubt to get to you.”

“That’s another thing. Who would have seen me outside her apartment? And even if they did, why would they tell three strangers?” he asked with confusion.

“Money?” said Kiel.

“Drugs?” said Luke.

“It could be anything,” said Baptiste. “What’s across the street from her apartment?”

“A couple of things,” said Rett. “There was a small hot dog place, sold just beer and dogs. That shit smelled amazing when I was hiding. It used to be Mr. Muir’s old place, the Gumbo Pot.”

“I remember that place,” frowned Cam. “I didn’t know it closed. Shit, I hate to hear that.”

“It only took a small piece of what used to be there. There was a little souvenir shop, t-shirts, shot glasses, that kind of shit, and then a coffee shop.”

“A coffee shop,” repeated Hex. “Were there a lot of customers?”

“No, in fact, they were turning them away because they were out of coffee.”

“Out of coffee? Not in this city,” said Hex. “Coffee covers the smell of drugs from drug dogs. They might have set up shop right in the middle of our city.”

“Shit. That means they saw me, and they saw her let me into the apartment,” said Rett. “Fuck! I did this. I exposed her to them!”

“Relax, Rett,” said Kiel. “We’re going to find them, and we’ll protect her and you. They’re in our backyard now. Which means we make the rules, not them. They’re used to doing whatever they want, whenever they want. I think we send in the local law enforcement just to rattle some cages.”

“Not a bad idea, Kiel,” said Cam. “I’ll call the sheriff and a few boys on the NOPD. Just tell them we’re going to treat them to a cup of coffee and maybe more. See what comes up.”

“Alright,” he nodded, “but when the time comes, I want to be a part of taking them down.” Kiel smirked at his son, shaking his head. How many times had he said exactly the same thing? When Liz was in trouble, he’d nearly lost his mind. For his father, Zeke, when Noelle was in trouble, he nearly went completely rogue. He knew exactly what he was feeling.

“I knew you would.”


“Casey? This is Finley. She was the bride at the wedding when you came here the other night,” smiled Liz.

“Oh, you were so lovely,” said Casey. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you,” she grinned. “I was very happy that Dan’s penis was as large as I thought. Is Rett’s as large as you thought?”

Casey’s eyes went wide, her mouth opening and closing. She wondered if there was something wrong with the young woman, then realized her mistake.

“Oh, uh, Rett and I haven’t been intimate yet. Just some very spectacular kissing,” smiled Casey with a blush. Liz just giggled, shaking her head at the young woman.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Casey. We’re pretty free around here when we speak of sex, intimacy, and body issues. We all feel as though it’s natural, and we’re all adults. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not ashamed,” said Casey, “not at all. I’ve had a few boyfriends, not many, but a few. My mother was very open about sex and having safe sex.” Casey had a strange expression on her face, then shook her head.

“Are you alright?” asked Finley.

“All those conversations when she made me swear on a stack of bibles that I would always make the man wear a condom or double condoms. She was protecting me from my father’s fate, yet she never told me.” Casey shook her head, wiping her eyes as the women looked at her with warmth and compassion.

“That must have been very difficult for you. I’m sorry. I’m Calla. My husband is Dalton, that big, tall redhead over there.”