Page 18 of Rett

“He is very tall,” said Finley. “Is the hair around his testicles red?” Calla nearly spewed her coffee across the table, smiling at the young woman. Finley shook her head, folding her hands in her lap.

“I’ve done it again, haven’t I?” Casey wondered how many times this woman had spoken her mind with no filter whatsoever.

“No. No, not at all,” smiled Calla. “In fact, his hair is red down there and on his chest. He’s a true redhead all the way.”

“Fascinating,” said Finley with a very clinical look on her face.

“You know, Finley, you remind me of Gabi. She used to say just about anything she wanted to in front of the men and the women. Whatever came to mind, she thought it was okay to say. I think she got the sense that she was embarrassing them, so she’s slowed a bit, but every once in a while, she’ll let a zinger fly,” laughed Liz.

“I’ve met her, and I like her very much. She speaks plainly and directly. I need that. It’s important for me. I’ve had some questions, some questions about…” Finley stopped, looking around them, then looked back at the table.

“You can say whatever you like, Finley,” smiled Liz. “I won’t be embarrassed. How about you, Casey?”

“Nope. I promise. You can say whatever you like in front of me.”

“Well, I’ve had some questions about where a man can place his penis in a woman, especially one as large as Dan’s. I asked Gray.”

“I see,” said Calla, biting the inside of her mouth to prevent laughter from bubbling up. “And what did she say?”

“She said that a man’s penis can go anywhere a woman likes, but I know that’s not true. I mean, it can’t fit in my belly button!”

“Oh, Finley, you are truly a breath of fresh air,” said Calla, giving the woman a big smile. “You know, I know that it might seem odd, but I have the perfect person for you to ask all these questions.”

“You do! And they won’t judge me?” she asked.

“I can promise you that this person would never judge you.” Calla waved a woman over, and Casey just smiled at the woman beside her.

“Would it be alright if I stay as well?” Casey asked. “I mean, there could be good information for me.”

“You are more than welcome to stay. Miss Ruby, I think you met Finley the other night at her wedding party. This is Casey. She’s staying with us for a while. Finley has some questions. Questions about sex and how men and women fit together. I was hoping you could help her. And Casey would like to listen in.”

“Honey, you’ve come to the right place. Come on. Grab your coffee, and let’s go sit in the garden. It’s a beautiful morning, and Claudette and Jake has got the gardens lookin’ picture perfect!” As they walked out of the cafeteria, away from prying eyes and big ears, Ruby could only grin to herself. How many young women did she have this ‘talk’ with? Too many to count anymore. Taking a seat in the gardens, she waved for the girls to take a seat as well.

“Calla? Liz? Y’all are joinin’ us?” asked Ruby.

“Well, it’s never too late to learn a little more, Miss Ruby,” smiled Liz. Ruby could only chuckle, her ample bosoms bouncing up and down with joy.

“How do you know so much about this?” asked Finley.

“Well, now, that’s a long story, but let’s just say it was my business for many years.” Casey understood the inference, but she wasn’t sure that Finley understood. “Now, what is it you’re achin’ to know?”

“I want to know if a man with a penis as big as Dan’s can fit anywhere in my body,” she said proudly.

“I see, I see,” nodded Ruby. “Well, now, the female body is a remarkable thing. Women are capable of carryin’ another human being inside of us and then have that baby make it out of our vagina. That pretty much guarantees you can stretch for a man as well.” She smiled at Finley as she nodded thoughtfully.

“Yes,” said Casey, her voice cracking as she cleared her throat. “Sorry. Yes, I understand that, but if a man is large, what about oral or anal sex.”

“There are things a woman can use to help her stretch if that’s what she wants. But let’s be clear. No man should be forcin’ you to do that. None. If it’s somethin’ you’re interested in, then do it. But don’t let him force you.” Casey just nodded as she blushed.

“I’m sorry, Liz. Rett and I haven’t done anything yet. I’m just curious.”

“It’s alright to be curious, Casey,” smiled Liz. “I assume because you’re curious that you have feelings for my son. I love that, and I think you’re a good woman. The perfect woman for him.”

“You do?” she whispered in shock. Liz laughed, nodding as she took her hands.

“You took my son in, not knowing if he might be dangerous to you or anyone else. You fed him, protected him, and then came here so we could protect you. I’d say that’s a ringing endorsement that any mother would want to hear.”

“I really do care for him,” she nodded. “I mean, I think I more than care for him, but I know it’s awfully soon.”