“And we’re happy for you, honey.” Ivy poured her own beer into a glass—she didn’t like to drink out of the bottle. “But you’ve talked about nothing but Tara the last ten times we’ve hung out.”

“Because I’m excited.”

“Well, it’s getting to be a bit much,” Lora said. “Some of us are still single.”

I hadn’t been trying to shove my happiness in their faces—but now that I thought about it, I would’ve been incredibly jealous if it was anybody else. Maybe I was still acting self-centered.

Deanne had been quiet so far. “And some of us are newly single,” she said now, and burst into tears.

“Oh my God!” My jaw dropped. “You broke up with Nolan?”

“More like he broke up with me.” Her face was all scrunched up. I’d never seen her like this before. “He said he wanted to focus on his career.”

“He put his work over you? How dare he?” Ivy was enraged.

“That bastard doesn’t know what he gave up!” Lora threw her arms around Deanne and hugged her tight.

“Thank you, guys. I just… I don’t…” Deanne hung her head. She seemed incapable of speech.

My heart, which had been so full, was now breaking for her. She had been so into Nolan, and even though it hadn’t been that long, it was clear that he was good for her. I’d really thought she found the real thing.

Normally, a tiny, bitter part of me celebrated when my friends’ relationships ended. If I couldn’t get a boyfriend, why should anyone else? Now I put aside those immature feelings. I was completely and genuinely sorry for her—and part of me was also terrified.

If things had ended for her, could they end for me, too? Could Tara leave me like Nolan had?

It was different, obviously. Tara and I had only been on two dates. We hadn’t even properly had sex. Still, I knew how I felt about her. She’d made me come out of a closet I hadn’t known I was hiding in.

I liked her. A lot. And I wanted her to know exactly how I felt. Whether we ended up breaking up or not, I wanted to at least be able to say we’d officially been together.

We spent most of the night comforting Deanne. It felt strange to have so much of the attention on someone else. I’d had so many ups and downs lately, I’d gotten used to the girls making me the focus. Or maybe I’d just been self-centered.

We never got around to playing Most Likely To, but I knew how the game would’ve gone.

Most likely to be next to find a new boyfriend.Everyone would’ve pointed at Deanne.

Most likely to hook up next time we go out.That would’ve been Lora.

Most likely to flake on a group hang because of work.Definitely Ivy.

Andmost likely to get a girlfriend?I never would’ve thought it a few weeks ago, but that was absolutely me.

It might even happen tonight. I could call Tara and let her know how I was feeling. I could wake up in the morning knowing I was in my first official relationship ever. And I wouldn’t just have a girlfriend—I’d have an amazing, sweet, considerate, and really damn sexy girlfriend.

“Chelsea, why are you smiling like that?” Lora asked.

Right, I was supposed to be commiserating with Deanne—but I couldn’t stay sad for her any longer. “Actually, I’m getting tired.” I faked a yawn. “I’m going to head home.”

As I walked back, the urge to call her became overwhelming. I pulled out my phone, careful not to slip on the ice that lined the moonlit residential streets. She was the last number I’d called, so it only took one button to redial.

She answered on the fifth ring, sounding foggy and not too happy. “It’s one in the morning. What’s going on?”

I’d forgotten she wasn’t a night owl like me. “I’m so sorry to wake you.”

“Did something happen?” She was worried about me. That meant she cared.

“Nothing bad,” I said quickly, my steps becoming lighter as I thought about getting these words out into the open. “I was just doing some thinking.”

“About what?” She still sounded borderline unfriendly, and that concerned me.