“You can lean on me,” Chelsea said, and she grinned up at me. I was even taller than her than usual. “Another gay benefit! Yay!”

I took halting steps, my arches already screaming. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I don't know, but you're stuck with me.”

I stumbled along, holding on to the girl who was completely inexplicable and utterly amazing. Yeah, this was definitely too good to be true.

“How do people walk in these things every day?” I grumbled. “Sure, they look sexy, but is it really worth it?”

“You think heels look sexy? I’ll make a note of that.”

“Psh. Anything would look sexy on you.”

We came to a stop at the street corner and waited for the light to change. I leaned on her harder, and she turned to look up at me with a sweet smile. I could see she was nervous, and that she was going to kiss me anyway.

Deciding to help her out, I dipped my head. Her lips were plush and warm, and they felt safe and familiar. She didn’t have any reason to be nervous when it came to me. As far as I could tell, I’d want to keep kissing her as long as she’d let me.

Our lips met again, and then again. “I really like you,” she whispered. “More than I ever thought I possibly could.”

My heartbeat stuttered. “I really like you, too.”

And I liked her more and more with every passing day. Now that I’d gotten past the surprise, hearing her say she wanted a relationship was like a weight off my chest. I wouldn’t have been happy with just sex. That had never been my motivation for anything, even if I initially came across as a player.

I still wasn’t quite sure that I could believe her when she said she wanted more—but then, wasn’t that how everyone else treated her? She said men only wanted sex from her, and now here I was practically treating her the same way. She’d stated her piece clearly. She wanted commitment, and I was the only thing keeping us apart.

As my lips roved over her neck, I knew I couldn’t sleep with her if it wasn’t going to go anywhere. It would be too painful to her, too unfair to both of us. My place was only a quick ride away. If I didn’t stop this now, I was going to end up bringing her back there. And if I did, there would be no going back.

“We were going to slow down,” I gasped out.

“Do you really want to?” she breathed.

“We should.”

Her eyes were veiled with lust. “What if we didn’t?”

“It would be a bad idea.”

“Why, Tara? What would happen?”

I couldn’t come up with an answer. I simply shook my head. It was killing me to resist her—but I knew that I had to.

Otherwise, I’d get hurt.



“Whistle while you work” had never been my motto, yet I found myself humming a tune as I went about my rounds. Today was Monday, which was a nice, easy day—and the best part, of course, was visiting Tara.

I finished up my rounds, including a quick bathroom make-out at Vino and Veritas. After running home for dinner, I met up with my friends at Ivy’s place. We were planning to play a few rounds of Most Likely To—but first, I had to update them on anything and everything to do with Tara.

“She insisted on trading shoes with me,” I said, grabbing a beer out of Ivy’s fridge. “Like, can you believe it? Even if guys’ feet were our size, they’d never do that. She’s so chivalrous. I am never—”

“Going back to guys,” everyone chorused along with me.

“We get it, Chelsea, you’re bisexual.” Lora rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to tell us constantly.”

My hand tightened around the beer bottle. I wasn’t being that over the top, was I? “I’m just so happy. She’s so amazing.”