Staring into my pint glass, I bit my lip. What I was really trying to get at was whether she’d felt anything from the kiss. Me… well, part of me had enjoyed it. Kissing was kissing, wasn’t it? It would probably feel good with anybody.

“What was so bad about it?” I asked.

“Chelsea, your kissing skills aren’t the reason you don’t have a boyfriend.” She spoke harshly, but the sympathetic undertone made me squirm. I didn’t want pity from Lora.

“I just mean, you know… What was wrong with it?”

She thought for a second. “You stuck your tongue straight in my mouth, for one thing.”

I had, hadn’t I? “Oops.”

“But I mean, really, the problem was just that you’re…” She waved her hands up and down my body. “I’m not into that.”

“Of course. Yeah. Obviously.”

“Nothing personal, you’re just missing a certain something.”

“I know.” I sank my teeth into the next wing. “A certain appendage.”

“Not just that. It’s the whole package. The height, the muscles, the scent…” She got all dreamy-eyed. “Maybe I do need a new boyfriend.”

She talked like she could just go to the boyfriend store and pick one up.

She finished her wing, and then her eyes narrowed at me. “Wait, why are you asking me this? Does this have something to do with that girl you were talking about?”


She wasn’t fooled. “You were saying there was a way for you to have sex. Are you seriously thinking…?”

I grabbed my beer glass, but there was none left. “It was just a random thought.”

“You’d be breaking your vow!”

That was what she was worried about, here? “No, I wouldn’t. Tara is a girl. A girl that dresses like a guy is still a girl.”

“And it’s still sex,” Lora said far too loudly.

I glanced around to see if anyone had heard, then hunched toward her, lowering my voice to a whisper. “I swore off men, not sex. I can have sex with myself, can’t I? So why shouldn’t I have it with a girl?”

“I can’t believe you’re seriously thinking about this.”

“Me, either.” I corrected myself. “I mean, I don’t know if I am thinking about it. I just think it might be fun, you know? There’s something about her, and she’s so ridiculously into me. But she’s such a player, it’d obviously mean nothing to her. She’d be a good person to experiment with.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Lora finished her wings and wiped her mouth.

“Why not? I can have a little fun, and obviously there’s no risk of my feelings getting involved since Tara is just a girl.”

The “fun” part was sorely needed. I could use something interesting in my life, some excitement. If I didn’t date at all for a year, I’d just be plain bored.

“It would be an experiment,” I said. “Lots of people experiment these days. I’d never settle down with a woman, and Tara isn’t looking for that.”

“How do you know?”

“Just her general attitude.” She was the biggest flirt I’d ever encountered. Besides, her comments were always about my looks or body. She’d never complimented my personality or work ethic. “I’ve dated around enough. I know a player when I see one.”

“Okay.” Slowly, Lora nodded. “For the record, I still think you’re breaking your vow. But I kind of, sort of see where you’re coming from.”

There it was, then.