“You know what? I think the beautiful beer distributor tips the scales.” She pointed down at the floor. “I’ll have to stay here.”

“So I’m the only thing holding you back from a second career as an astronaut?”

“Did I stutter?”

She grinned at me, and I gave her a lingering glance before walking out.

This girl was going to kill me. And I was going to enjoy every minute of it.

By the time I met up with Lora for dinner that night, I was still daydreaming about Tara. I had to admit she’d been on my mind more and more, even on the days I wasn’t delivering to her. She was just interesting, and I enjoyed our conversations. It didn’t have to be anything more than that.

I slid onto the booth across from Lora. The Speakeasy was one of our favorite bars. They had killer wings, and we liked to come almost every Monday night. I salivated in advance as I thought about the sriracha maple sauce.

“Ivy couldn’t make it?” I asked. I already knew Deanne was off doing something with her boyfriend—damn her.

“She’s too busy. She had a contractor coming over to fix her roof.”

“Wow… adulting.” I was a long way away from thinking about that kind of thing myself. Then again, I didn’t have a killer job as a data analyst, like Ivy did.

We ordered our wings, along with a couple of beers. I went for one of the pale ales I’d delivered earlier that day. For all the effort my muscles had put into getting that beer here, I was going to relax and enjoy some of it.

“So, have you given in and jumped any guys yet?” Lora asked, sipping from her frosted beer glass.

“Go to hell.”

“I’m just making conversation! God, you can be so sensitive.”

I glared at her, then took a long sip of my drink to calm down. Lora was never what I would call compassionate, but she’d really been getting on my nerves since this vow thing. “What about you? Did you manage to get here from work without tripping and falling on some dick?”

“We were talking about you, not me.” She smirked. “Besides, I didn’t take any vows. I can have sex if I want to.”

“I could, too.” The words slipped out of me before I could think them through.

“If you broke your vow, you mean?” Her eyebrow arched.

“Well, no… There is another way.”

Luckily, the wings were served before she could ask anything more. For a minute, we were both too distracted by pigging out to keep talking. Until…

“Ahh! Hot, hot, hot!” I waved my hand in front of my mouth.

Lora rolled her eyes at me. “Every week. Everysingleweek. You never learn, do you?”

I took a frantic sip of my beer. “I can’t help that it’s spicy!” The spices built up for the first few bites, then hit me all at once like a sack of bricks.

“You could ask for it less spicy,” she lectured me. “Or, heaven forbid, try one of the other sauces.”

“I like this one. And I like the spiciness.” I panted open-mouthed, sweat beading on my forehead.

“You’re a bad liar, Chelsea.” She took a calm bite of hers, which she’d ordered with mild heat. “This isn’t the only area of your life where you keep doing the same thing over and over, and then expect different results.”

“Are we back on this again?” I shoved a bone back into the basket. “Listen, I have a question. Do you… um…” I’d thought about asking this, but now that we were here, it was more awkward than I’d expected. “You know that time that we… you know?”

Sucking the meat off a bone, she nodded.

I cringed internally. “Was I really a bad kisser?”

She snorted. “You kiss about as well as you lie.”