She would, she had to.

Maybelle: You’re cute, have fun

with that tonight. I have to get

started with my day. Talk more later?

Boyfriend: Can I call you before bed?

Maybelle: I would love that.

Maybelle finished her first book that morning and moved onto another about a world with gods, a golden warrior, and an evil queen. It was an effort to put the book down especially since she was putting it down just for physical therapy.

Her time with Annalise came and went, leaving her feeling brutally used and abused. She showered off the pained sweat from her torture and dressed in PJs, a pale pink tank top and black shorts.

Before leaving her room, she caught a glimpse of the backpack Trey had packed from the Mason home, her old home, still lying on the floor from where he had tossed it in the middle of that delicious kiss.

Maybelle’s palms were already sweating at the mere memory of his hands and lips rasping against her skin. She picked up the bag and put it out of the way in the corner.

Later, she would deal with the bag full of mystery items later. Maybelle and Chelsea only got through one movie later that night before Chelsea was dead asleep on the couch. Maybelle draped a blanket over her, turned the TV off then retreated to her room to find one missed call from Trey.

She smiled as her phone pinged with a message.

Boyfriend: Mayhem? You asleep?

She dialed up his number, the phone only rang twice before her call was answered.

“Mayhem! How are you, gorgeous?” Trey’s baritone voice sang over the line.

Maybelle giggled, “Doing alright, handsome. How are you?”

“I’m better now.” He said, a sudden ruckus of voices blustering out in the background on his side of the phone.

“Is your party still going on?” She asked, smirking at what she could make out to be one of the voices calling Trey’s name over and over again. Like a needy child begging for attention.

Trey grunted and what he said was muffled but sounded a lot like scolding then he was back, “No, it’s just my dumbass roommates. I went into my room, but they heard me on the phone and came to investigate thinking it was my, and I quotesuper-hot mom. I swear, they are like damned dogs chasing after a treat.”

Maybelle snickered, “I don’t blame them, Chelsea is a MILF.”

Trey groaned over the line while another voice called out, “See! Maybelle gets me.”

“Get out of here, Larson. And May, stop encouraging him, please.” Multiple sources of laughter echoed to her, joining her own.

Suddenly an uproar of Trey yelling and the other guys bellowing ricocheted through the speaker, loud enough that she had to remove the phone from her ear until another new voice addressed her.

“Maybelle?” This voice was very deep, gentle, and steady.

“Yes?” She hummed back.

“This is Bear. You’re coming to the scrimmage next Friday, right?” At that moment all the background noises went dead quiet, even Trey.

Maybelle hesitated not exactly sure what to say. She knew what she wanted to say but she didn’t quite know what to say.

“Uhm, hi Bear.” She said, the other line still expectantly silent, “I mean I’d love to but—”

“She said yes!” The voice belonging to Larson whooped out sending the rest of them back into their chaos of hooting and hollering.

Oh shoot.