Welp, hopefully that would be alright with Trey and Chelsea.

Trey’s distinguishable laughter was back at the front, “Hey May, these guys aren't going to go away anytime soon. Talk to you tomorrow?”

Maybelle smiled to herself, “Of course. Goodnight, Trey.”

“Goodnight, Mayhem.”

Guess she would be getting out there and making friends a lot sooner than she anticipated which meant she needed to be walkingasap.

21 That Book Belongs to Me

It was Thursday night; it was late, and Trey should be exhausted especially since practice ended about an hour ago and it was well past his bedtime. But he was wide awake.

Soon, he would be Face Timing his Maybelle.

They texted whenever he had free time and had that one call the boys had interrupted but that was the only contact they’d had over the last few days. Tonight, they were Face Timing because Trey finally convinced her to open the bag of items, he had packed for her that night in the Mason home, but she only agreed to it if he would open it with her.

Trey changed himself into a pair of comfy black gym shorts and a faded, gray, dry-fit tee he knew did his body justice. He had to dress to impress when it came to his girl, and he had taken specific notice that when he wore clothing that painted to his sculpted build, Miss Maybelle had a hard time keeping her eyes off him.

That was the goal of all this, to make this girl want him. To make her long for him almost as much as he longed for her.

It really blew his mind just how easy it was for them— now that she couldn’t remember. Trey wanted her to remember,of course, for the sake of remembering her family but he also selfishly loved that she couldn’t remember.

That she couldn’t recall her whole life, the things that had made her quiet, the nightmares that made her muscles and joints lock up. Trey suddenly felt nauseous with the knowledge and secrets he held.

He got up into his bed, making an effort to focus only on the fact that he would see her face.

Laying his back against the headboard of his bed Trey pulled out his phone feeling it vibrate, Maybelle’s name scrolled across the top of the screen.

She was calling ten minutes early, he chuckled to himself betting that if he teased her for her eagerness she wouldn’t back down or deny it, only put him in his place.

He smiled as he answered the call. Maybelle and her massive mane of messy curls filled the small screen with golden coils and smiles, stealing the breath from his lungs.

Holy shit, she was stunning.

She was wearing a black sports bra with an open gray zip up across her shoulders. The look would have been simple, maybe lazy on anyone else but on Maybelle… Hell, this woman was a type of beautiful that had Trey believing that maybe angels did, in fact, walk among them and he was lucky enough to be a personal witness of one.

Trey made a show of looking at his wrist to check his nonexistent watch, “Couldn’t wait to talk to me? Missed me so much you called early?” He teased.

Here it was, Maybelle scrunched her nose as she sat herself across her pink bed spread, “I can hang up and call another time if you’d like?” Her tone was dripping with that sass he could not get enough of.

Trey could keep this going, stoke her fire a bit more but he learned quickly that the woman on his phone screen wastoo damn stubborn. He would forever be the one to concede in arguments and taunting battles because his feisty Mayhem would always get the last word. And Trey Turner wouldn’t have it any other way.

He would give the beautiful woman that dominated his whole existence anything she wanted, “No, I’ve missed you too much. I can’t go another second of not talking to you.”

Maybelle’s blush was so deep he could see it through the phone, but her mocking smirk held strong as she flipped some of her curls over her shoulder.

“Damn, you are corny, Turner.” Maybelle snickered.

God, she was perfect.

Even with her sarcastic jabs and seeing her in workout clothes had him awkwardly and hopefully not obviously adjusting himself.

“How was therapy?” Trey asked trying get his focus off the little bit of her body that was showing and back onto her face.

Maybelle beamed, “It actually was super good! It still kicked my trash, but I don’t feel half as exhausted as I usually do! And I can walk the house without using the wall to stabilize me. Given, I’m slow, but at least I can do it on my own!”

Her bright toothy grin was contagious, Trey smiled proudly back at her, “I’m proud of you, May. You’re doing extremely well in such a short amount of time! I’m seriously impressed.”