Maybelle made to stop him, argue that maybe they should postpone today’s tutoring, get some obviously needed rest, but Trey washustling.

He was already too far down the open hall, if she wanted to stop him, she’d have to yell, and it was still early enough that raising her voice in the apartment walkway would aggravate a few of her neighbors.

Ergo, she and Trey went ahead and split ways to shower and change. About a half hour later she was walking into the football den to find Larson and Williams playing… Monopoly?

“Ah, pay up Williams. That would be my property you just landed on.” Larson informed, smugly, while holding his palm out to accept his payment owed.

“I am so done with this game. This shit is rigged.” Williams griped but continued to pay up.

The door snapped shut behind Maybelle finally alerting the two men to her arrival.

“Hey May, you want in? We could start over so you could join!” Larson offered but Williams stood up from his stool.

“You two have fun, I’m out.”

Maybelle approached the counter peering over their board, “Thanks but maybe some other time, I’m here for tutoring.”

Williams stretched out his long wingspan as he spoke through a taut yawn, “That’s right. It’s Sunday, huh?”

Maybelle nodded.

“Turner should be just chilling in his room if you want to head on back there,oryou could ditch the loser and hang out with us. The choice is yours but there’s an obvious right answer.” Larson’s sideways smile appeared, revealing one carefree dimple as he winked.

Maybelle smirked, patting Larson on the shoulder before spinning for the hall, “Thanks but no thanks. My math grade is in need of too much help for me to skip even one tutoring sesh.” Maybelle made the descent towards Trey’s room with Larson’s half-hearted “boos” rolling down after her.

When she reached Trey’s bedroom his door was slightly ajar, Maybelle couldn’t help but sneak a peek through the crack. She could spy half the dresser along the right-side wall and most of the bed that was snug in the middle of the room but no Trey.

Then she noticed his bathroom door, it was closed but light scraped out from underneath. Maybelle slipped inside the room letting the door click shut with her entrance.

Trey was definitely in the bathroom because his room held no trace of him, except for his shoes and shirt he’d worn that morning in a pile next to his dresser and his bed a heaping mess of plush and fabric.

Maybelle dropped the backpack she had slung over one shoulder full of class supplies onto the bed.

“Trey?” Maybelle called out, more to let him know she was there than in search for him.

She heard rustling in the bathroom and then a labored groan, “Yeah?”

Curiously, Maybelle tiptoed up to the door, “It’s me— Are you still up for tutoring?” She asked because— what else was she supposed to say?

“Oh— uhm, yeah. Sorry, I lost track of the time. Just give me a minute, please.” He responded and Maybelle complied.

There was something she’d been dying to do since the first time she had seen his room,somesnooping.

Maybelle checked out the closet on the left side wall first.

Lots of dark colored athletic clothes, of course, a couple hoodies and jeans but what caught her attention most was a slick black suit, white button up and black tie that sparked too many tantalizing imaginations of a dapper Trey picking her up for a date to the opera or the ballet to the forefront of her mind.


Everything was hung up neatly, and his shoes were organized in a line on the floor. Each pair matched up and positioned together.

Trey was precise, detailed, in control.

Trey seemed to have everything planned, every innate part of his life efficiently placed in expertly constructed structure. It was obvious that Trey thrived on order, a fact Maybelle was well aware of since she first met him. But what had her smiling was the acknowledgment that Maybelle knew she, herself, was anything but order. She was a chaotic mess and yet, she and Trey seemed to work so well together…

Moving on.

With not a lot of places left for storage to rummage through, Maybelle peered under the bed.