Bear’s eyes darted to her a couple times, remaining more focused on the road as they rolled down the street.

“You ok, Maybelle?” He asked and she had failed to notice his hand move until it was wrapping her little hand up in his large one, “You wanna talk about it?”

This mushy gushy, full of feelings teddy bear always made things feel better.

“I’m good, I just need to eat and get to bed.”

She smiled and Bear gave her hand one more squeeze before returning it to the steering wheel.

Maybelle peered out the window, thinking about Trey, as much as she wished she wasn’t.

Then she thought about Sam, probably still up in that room. She would need to call him and apologize, but not tonight. Maybelle was done with drama and boys tonight.

Except her imagination didn’t get the memo as images of her and Trey kissing filled her mind.

Her kiss with Sam had been, for lack of a better term, cute. Sam wascute. He was an adorable guy she could see herself love getting to know… as a friend, but Trey had a point as much as she hated to admit it even to herself.

Trey’s kiss was more than nice.

Trey’s kiss stirred up feelings she wouldneverimagine using to describe a relationship between friends.

3o Pretend

Maybelle wanted to be late, she so badly wanted to go against Trey’s reminder to not be tardy to their walk and tutoring session just out of spite, but there she was, up and sneaking out of her apartment to find Trey waiting with an overly cheesy grin plastered to his handsome face.

“Jackass.” Was Maybelle’s only remark as she brushed past Trey to the stairs and their regular walking path, barely lit by the dim morning.

Trey swiftly caught up, keeping pace right next to her, like he always did, “Still bitter about last night, then?”

Snorting, Maybelle shot him a withering glare but still that grin shined on, “Can we just not talk? Just for right now, can we just walk?” She pleaded and Trey, to her surprise and maybe dismay, nodded and strolled on.

Oh.Somehow, she felt like that just completely backfired on her.


Maybelle wanted this, the quiet, for Trey to just listen and let her be. Shewantedthis.

The trek as they strode through the complex to campus grounds felt extremely long with the still tension of last night’s events hanging heavy between them.

Fine.Maybelle could admit to herself …

She liked when Trey fought her—forher, fought to talk to her, tease her, spend time with her, enrage her in the most exhilarating ways. The fact that he wasn’t this morning, after what happened last night had her heart in the pits of her stomach.

It shouldn’t.

They continued on, still silent.

What Maybelle could appreciate about her, and Trey was that the silence was never smothering. It was relieving, even amidst the leftover uncomfortable stress from the conversation the night prior.

She could justbein the company of his quiet presence. Let her mind whir with thoughts or go still with content.

It was a freeing sense she only had the pleasure of feeling with him. As they neared the end of the walk Maybellefelt a little more clearheaded. She peered over at Trey, ready to talk about last night and to see if he was feeling revived like she was but he looked— for lack of a better word, likeshit.

Well— it wasn’t possible for Trey to ever truly look like shit, he was perfect but with the way his eyes drooped, his skin paled with a twinge of green—

“Are you ok?”She asked.

Trey finally noticed her studying him and turned to look at her, licking his lips with a hard swallow he nodded, once.When they reached her apartment door Trey finally huffed, “See you in a bit.”